Friday, October 10, 2014

I'm gonna have to brag a little....

....but just today because it's Mason's birthday and he's just the best dentist ever....
...and it's not just that I'm his mom; it's because I just had a huge tooth pulled by him and I was so scared and wasn't sure I really wanted it done but it was a mess and had to come out. I had  heard some horror stories but then my sister told me it would be a piece of cake and you know how I like I just went in with a little trepidation and made Randy drive here to hold my hand and it was awesome. Didn't feel a thing...not even a little needle pinch. He had the numbing stuff in there before I knew it and then said he was going to numb around the tooth a bit and that's what I thought he was doing when he said..."all done, you did great".....well, my son; you did great. He put in some gauze, told me to keep it in for a while and we went over to Family Pawn and I told the people in there, (talking with the gauze in my mouth)...."painless, totally painless. Just had a tooth pulled and it was PAINLESS. Hurricane Dental. That's the place to go".....I didn't even tell them it was my son. The guy smiled and said..."I'll have to try them." Great job, Mason and Happy Birthday. Hope it's a good one. You deserve it.
Last week, Traci brought her little boys to town for their annual dental appointments and they all did great too....every one of them. Mason's good with little kids too and has a great treasure box. Wish I would have taken more pictures but here's little Harry just rockin' the dentist chair.

Traci had a check-up too because it's very important when one is pregos to have good dental hygiene....yep, she's expecting #5 and we couldn't be more excited....and all I can say on this is if it's a boy, she will have a basketball team and if it's a girl, pink, lace and Mary Jane's (from me anyway). We are all just thoroughly thrilled for the Staheli family and this little one will certainly have a whole team of boys watching out for her/him. I'll keep this blog updated when we find out more....a new Honda Odyssey will be a wonderful ride for these five. Congrats again on that addition to the fam.

As mentioned earlier, Randy came early to hold my hand at the dentist but we took off Friday and headed up to Zion.....
And as you can only imagine, I had my camera (upper right) and had a great time with it. Found my new dream mode of transportation next time we go camping (upper left) and next to that is a picture of a new favorite treat. We enjoyed a most beautiful day as we made our way to Cedar Mountain and stopped at Duck Creek.....
Randy got in a little fishing (and I mean "little" as he used a little Scooby Doo fishing pole that he keeps in the trunk) and he caught 4 fish with it. We enjoyed the beginning of the Fall color change and just a little piece of heaven on earth right here in our own back yard. Then we headed on down into Cedar City for Laynee's Cross Country Track Meet.....(we packed a lot in that day).
Her team-mates were supposed to write someone that had died on their arm that they were running for and she wrote "grandpa". I know her grandpa would have been to every one of these meets to cheer her on. I try to get to all of them that I can and have really come to love watching the sport. Not only is she a great runner, she's beautiful inside and out. Love to see that blond hair whipping in the wind as she runs....then on over to Pine Valley for the "carb load" before the marathon.
Mason and Kyle both had injuries but they had their running cloths and were totally on the verge of doing it...but I raised them smarter than that and they refrained and it was very HARD on them but we cheered on Mandy and Spencer (Mandy coming in at 3:07 and Spencer at 3:35) Awesome times. I love love marathon week-end and it's partly because it's conference week-end and I headed back up to Pine Valley to enjoy conference with Randy in this beautiful setting.....
We were able to put conference on the outside speakers and enjoy the messages outdoors. The leaves are just starting to change but the summer flowers are still in bloom. Later in the afternoon we enjoyed a visit from Mason and Spencer's families......
We had to head back to Folsom and I was going to miss George's piano recital so I headed over for a concert of my own....
George is teaching Emily and she's doing awesome and he takes from Robert Ruesch and is so amazing. He played "Frozen" which he made up from just listening to the arrangement. He played in Shayne's Homecoming and did fantastic on an arrangement of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". He will be one to watch in the coming years. Maybe he'll be pumping out ragtime at Disneyland or better yet, head to Julliard his Freshman go George.
We headed to Bakersfield where Randy's mom is staying with his sister Abby and her husband Mike. We spent the evening with them, had a delicious dinner at Wool Growers Bask Restaurant, one of Randy's favorites from his growing up years and headed out the next morning for home.
Abby pumps out these amazing costumes for her grandkids....I was in aw, such amazing detail. She's a very talented seamstress but says she prefers making costumes. Where was she when I needed Traci's formals and dancing outfits. Josephine is really happy and doing good to see her and spend some time there.
I've been missing Louis and he is growing and changing so fast.....
 Lauri sent these pictures along...just a little preview of Halloween....
I have 18 grand kids and they are all just adorable and I love them all but I'm here to tell you that the picture of Molly on the left....even if she weren't mine, this would be the picture of the year. She's just the cutest little Snow White ever and I always wanted to dress Lauri and Traci in this costume but never got around to here she is, my little Snow White, just in adoration of her own awesomeness. Isn't that hair just the cutest????? We are back in Folsom now and the adventures continue as last night we attended an Interfaith Music and the Spoken Word. Our friend Jon B. Fish is the president of the Interfaith Council and he invited us to this program and it was good but even better was to be in this venue, The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament of Sacramento.

I took the picture on the right with my cell phone inside the cathedral. It was a wonderful evening with good music and thoughts given by each of the ecclesiastical leaders of the various churches in the area. Our Sacramento Cordova Missionaries had a choir that performed as well. Wed. night we went to the Sacramento Temple and did sealings which was a great experience as well. I'd only done that one other time in my life. Beautiful evening in a beautiful setting.
And now, just a fun little picture to end this very long post Matty's birthday party which was in my back yard, she found this on the trampoline......
...just hanging on for dear life. Wowsers.....I better watch close in my house from now on just in case one sneaks in. I think that's about it for this post. Another big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mason. He was born 36 (is that right, I lose track) years ago on this day about 3:15 p.m. I won't lie....he was a character to raise but he is the kindest, most generous, thoughtful person you will ever meet and he throws a mean party...and is a very talented dentist, worth the drive to Hurricane. Don't wait until 2:30 (tooth hurty) to get your I did. Oh, and Happy Columbus Day on Monday.

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