Saturday, March 12, 2016

They said it might rain....

....but I woke up to this beautiful sight and it was gone by noon. This was looking out my bedroom window at 7:00 this morning.
It has been a winter with lots of snow but I've really enjoyed it. It will also be fun to watch the transformation in a few weeks.
This is a view from the "cajuzzi" I love to go out there in mid-day when the sun is shining straight down.
I've also enjoyed feeding and watching my winter birds. They come by all day for snacks. I've yet to capture the big blue ones but I'm still trying.  Randy and I feel very blessed to have this beautiful place and we were able to spend our first Christmas together here.
Here's our Christmas card and before we leave the snow and enter the spring....I'm going to get caught up with all the holiday fun we had.
Our first Christmas together at our new home. A relaxing, wonderful day exchanging gifts and enjoying our new fire place. Hopefully this will be our new tradition. Sure was fun. Another fun tradition is our Annual Gingerbread House Competition sponsored by JoEllen.
Never a dull moment and her hard work is really appreciated.
This is the first year that we didn't do Christmas Eve at great grandma's....she was at the Meadows but we arranged to have a room there and we all shared our usual games, talents, and cookies with her. She wasn't really very happy about it but it really wasn't a very happy situation. She has since adjusted well and seems to be a bit more settled and is a contributing resident there. It's always hard to end traditions but it's also exciting to begin new ones. A new one that I really enjoy and this is the second year we've done it so maybe it's not a true tradition yet but it sure was fun and I'll keep it going if I possibly can. I rent the Veyo Skating Rink sometime between Christmas and New Years and invite everyone to come along. It's not the safest activity but truly lots of unorganized fun and chaos.
 Like I said, not the safest activity but lots of family togetherness. No rules.....
 ....and it's always good to get done with the 2 hours with no mishaps....there's always a few tears but mostly just chaotic fun.
 Bring your own skates, strollers, wagons, scooters, hockey sticks.....just come have fun.
......and I've enjoyed having anyone and everyone that has wanted to come, up to the cabin to sit by the fire or play in the snow. These desert rats of mine don't like to join me much but I have been able to get them up here a few times.
 Randy and I have enjoyed our Arctic Cat...and it's been good to haul the sledders up and down as well like we used to do with the snowmobile. We've been enjoying Pine Valley snow for lots of years.
I never did like it much because I don't like to be cold but now that I have a home with a couple of roaring fires and a hot chocolate's lots more enjoyable.
Here we are enjoying a new game LCR (Left, Center, Right)......easy enough for everyone to join in. I think we did get in a game of Candy Bar Bingo with no tears this year. As I've mentioned many times, I'm very happy here in my mountain home and love it when Randy can join me. I especially like to share it so come join me any time. Pull up a chair by the fire and stay a while.  Looking forward to a new season here in a few weeks.
These daffodils have already come and gone at the Stewart home. I've kept track every year when the first flower bloomed. The last couple of years it's been February 5....this year it was a few weeks later than that.  I wanna say the 25th but they were beautiful.  Spring is certainly in the air.

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