Sunday, January 13, 2019

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.....

....and it has here in Pine Valley.  Mid-January and there's about 2 feet piled up on my porch where the sun doesn't shine so I'm s'posin' it will be there 'til spring but I do love it. I get annoyed at times if I have to go out in it to get something or feed the birds, but for the most part, it is water for our dry land in the spring and I do love the four seasons that we have here. Spring is so anticipated and enjoyed so much more after a lingering snow is gone.  I'm blogging again and cutting back on Instagram and Face Book.  This way if someone wants to know what's happening in Pine Valley, they can check my blog instead of the "in your face" approach of the other social media.  I do enjoy it tho' so I will continue checking it out but for now, I hope I'm back to blogging.

I'm in my 4th winter here and lovin' it still.  This home is so very cozy to me and I don't like to be away long. We were in Florida for over a week and it was just a bit too long. When we got back, all was well.  We left enough heat on for our water pipes and everything was in working order and we received a warm welcome.  We love to keep the birds fed.  We've added a couple more feeders and we have gone through 2 big bags of feed but at least the squirrels aren't eating it all.

Actually, they probably did take the equivalent of a large bag back to their winter quarters.  George's farewell is today and he leaves for New Hampshire next week.  That will leave a huge hole in our family dynamics. Laynee is in Lithuana with a group teaching English and I'm sure she will have a wonderful experience for 4 months, leaving another hole but only for a little while.  We gathered at Veyo for our 3rd annual skate party missing a few families but a good time was had by all. 

 Who brought the grocery if it's not dangerous enough here.

A beautiful Sunday morning and I'm headed off the mountain to be with my family.  Over and out for this post.  Pics will be posted later.  Good bye from my Pine Valley home to yours wherever it is.
Snow over-hang from my bedroom it's cold outside.

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