Friday, March 22, 2019

March Madness.....

....and I'm not talking about basketball.  It's been snowing like crazy for the last two days. We needed to get Randy moved here so he drove his paint van down on Sunday then we drove the Kia and the trailer back to Cali on Monday and then the Kia with the loaded trailer back on Tues. We had to stop three different times to cover up the load but the last tarp made it home and it's now parked in our driveway attached to the Kia and we're pretty much snowed in. That was three straight days of Highway 50 for Randy. We popped in a book on tape, the Gary Sinese biography which entertained us the whole way back. It was a good listen. Anyway, the state of Pine Valley right now on the day after the first day of Spring is snowy.
 I always have a large pile of snow on my front porch but here you can see the new layer as well as the other porch.

I'm writing this post in the afternoon of the day after the first day of Spring and I think the sun is finally coming out.  The blue sky looks beautiful as a background of the snow.
Maybe this will be the last for a while, just enough sun to melt a few berms from my yard would be good. But I have to say I still love it here.  Four years ago when I made the decision to sell my house and my cabin and buy this, my mom said it would be a big mistake (and her voice is always in my brain) and I'm sure there were others who thought I was crazy especially Randy's family.  Sometimes I get lonely (no more, Randy is here) and I want to be with my family but the minute I'm with them I want to be home. I often wonder when I will know I've made a mistake and what I will do if that time ever comes but for now, I love it here.  I'm comfortable here. I love all four seasons. I even love the snow. It gives me pause to slow life down a bit and just watch. I love that my birds that still come in the winter. I love that the fire keeps me warm and I just love that I feel "at home" here.  I think I'm fine for a while.  The people here are lovely, but I'm up high on the mountain, with only the birds and turkeys as my neighbors so let's just say, I'm not here for the people. The brethren keep my place cleaned off so I'm not snowed in and for that I am grateful but I think I'd be fine spending the whole winter here snowed in.   I think you get the picture.  I'm where I belong and count my blessings daily.
This is the view from in front of Joyce's home. I stayed with her for a couple of weeks helping her recoup from her shoulder surgery. I really enjoyed my time with her and was glad I could help. The background of the Pine Valley mountain is always captivating and especially on this day when all the colors were so vivid (not so much in this picture but in reality).  It just made my heart sing to know I live up there. Joyce has recovered well. She still has a ways to go but I can go down and help her whenever she needs me.
Randy is finally home.  It's good to not be alone any more and this beautiful home is much more enjoyable when I can share it with him.

It's been Spring in St. George for a month now. I planted these daffodils when I owned this home but I still like to keep track of the fist daffodil of the season.  It was a little later this year but is usually the second week in February.  They are looking good, every year they do better.  I do love daffodils and cute little Annie that is growing up so fast.  She loves to run with the big kids and thinks she's the boss of the house. (She probably is). Kudos to Lauri for keeping up the daffodil garden.  It is quite lovely.


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