Sunday, December 2, 2007

Thanksgiving Day Fun at the Holiday Inn

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Emily said...

Hi Jillyn! Guess how I found this?! I was looking at my friend Nicky's blog and had some extra time to peruse, I noticed a link on her blog to an old friend who had moved away, Maylin. Maylin's blog brought me back to her mother-in-law's blog (who I know well), Robin Falke. Robin had a comment on her blog from someone named Our Ole' Kentucky Home, I thought this sounded interesting so I clicked on it which led me to the blog of Nate and Sarah Well's and I noticed your name in the sidebar of their blog. I don't know anyone else named Jillyn so I clicked on it and much to my surprise after all that web surfing landed right here at your door. And a wonderful surprise it was. Sorry this is such a long post but I did enjoy reading about your Thanksgiving and loved seeing all the pictures of the kids and grandkids! I will be back for sure. See you soon and give a hello to my mother from me. Thanks, Emily Musso

Anonymous said...

Jillyn your blog is great. I just want you to know I check your blog frequently and love it. So keep it up. That is a crazy story of how Emily found your blog. I dont know her, but I know Maylin and Robin really. What a small world.

Maggie said...

Hey Jillyn, I've never been to your blog yet, but I'll have to start checking more. Looks like you guys had a great time in Kentucky. Hope all is going well.

Spencer said...

Hi mom - keep up the strong work. Love you - ya'll come back now, ya hear?!