Monday, August 13, 2012

She ain't heavy....

 ...she's my daughter.... and as I see these pictures on Spencer's blog, my heart is full as I think about the circumstances last week. Laynee broke her leg early in the hike....Spencer hadn't joined them yet but was able to hike up later and assist in carrying her out.
My family has found great joy in hiking the Subway in Zion National Park for many years. It was never my choice to join them but I would always breath a sigh of relief when they would return with their tales to tell. It's a difficult hike but they've done it so much that I'm sure they are baffled that I worry...but it's just one of those things that mothers do, at least this mother. I know they have had a lot of "close calls" that they have never told me about. So, when I heard they were taking my four oldest grand children, once again I thought about it but that was all...maybe I offered a small prayer but I distinctly remember asking one of them to call me when they returned so that I would know all was well. I didn't hear at all that day but texted Laynee and she told me she had been hurt and had to be carried out.
The more I think about it after seeing these pictures, I get a tear in my eye, not because Laynee was hurt...she's fine, but because my boys were so willing to carry her out the 6 or so miles of rough terrain. Like they said, though...what else could we do? They are so strong in so many ways. Maybe it's the marathon training that they have had that helps them to know they can do hard things...I know they have the physical strength but it's the mental strength that makes this mom proud. They have all done hard things...and succeeded and will be asked to do many more hard things. I'm sure it was just as hard for Laynee to be carried as it was for them to carry. This was a "bonding" experience for my boys and their kids. They will never forget this experience...and Laynee will be forever grateful for her dad and willing uncles that did this for her.
I'm so grateful that my boys have grown up knowing and loving the beauty of Southern Utah and that they want to share it with their kids. I'm grateful that they want to do it together. I always said that the best way to raise sons is with your eyes closed. I think I'm still doing that today. It really could have been worse....we are so very blessed.
Many lessons to be learned here...maybe the greatest was learned by Laynee....we must let others help us sometimes. Why is that so hard?...................
Speaking of Southern Utah.....and those that appreciate it, this is Jon B. Fish and his wife Shauna. Jon B. and his family lived in St. George when we were all so very young.....over there on Flood Street across from the hospital...and I remember the family well. His father was killed in a terrible  accident leaving his mom with 6 little kids to raise. They were an extremely talented family and good to the core....I remember the tragedy well. The Fish family and Randy's family lived in the same stake for many years and once I discovered they knew each other, I've been anxious to meet them and talk.
We did just that yesterday for about 2 1/2 hours and had such a good time getting re-acquainted and talking of the good times in St. George. These are good people that do a lot of good here in this Sacramento area. So much to learn from them and their willingness to serve.

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