What do we do with our days? I don't know about you, but some days I just have a tough time getting up and going but usually, if and when I do, I've got plenty to do and never really get it all done....and, oftimes beat myself up a bit.....so I found this little saying on a board at a gift shop and I bought it and hung it on my wall. It helps me remember to ".....make whatever I do, enough." My late husband used to be a goal setter...he would write stuff down, prioritize it and check it off, but if he didn't get it done, it would just go to the next day's list or even next week's but he plugged along and worked away until he got what he needed to have done, done. Franklin Covey has a system...tried a couple of times to do the day planner thingy, but somehow, I just like this better right now at this time in my life.

I'll be the first to admit that I do have a lot of time on my hands right now and I have fun filling my time with things I like to do. I'm even finding some new things to do....I am enjoying my bike and the limitless trails around here. Here's what I'm reading right now.....always love it when the new Ensign comes in the mail.
Here's what we're watching right now.....trying to get caught up before the new season starts in January. Click
HERE to read more about it.
I used to oil paint a bit. Never really good at it but when I met Randy I saw this picture and fell in love with it. It's the center of our apartment now.....it's a "paint by number" done by his daughter, Joslyn.....
...so, I remembered that I used to like to do paint by numbers so Randy and I bought a couple one day.....this is what I'm working on. I'm pretty much getting ready for the old folks home in my future. (I probably shouldn't admit that I'm doing this....but sometimes we need "mindless" hobbies, right?)
I enjoy discovering new places to hang out. Randy introduced me to Danio's Farmer's Market in Roseville. I've never seen anything so huge....it would take several Saturdays to get through it.....
Randy enjoyed trying on hats....saw some way outrageous cowboy boots. This place is amazing. It was a good thing it was cold.....we couldn't stay very long, but we'll be back for sure. I've enjoyed finding new little "dives" on our Friday night dates. It was my turn to choose so I asked Ambyr for some suggestions. We went Hungarian after I read this review...click
HERE. The review is really worth reading if you have a minute and it was a very "quaint" place to eat. The review was very accurate.
I was prepared, Randy wasn't so I think I liked it better than him but fun, none the less (there were really only 5 tables and scrunched really close together). It was fun to be invited to a holiday party and it has been fun getting to know Randy's children. Jake and Ambyr and their family invited us over for dinner. We had a good time, enjoying a little "Taboo"....guessing the number of candies in the jar (I missed it by 3, maybe next year)....and some white elephant gifts.
Good food, good company and lots of laughs. I missed my annual Gingerbread House Party hosted by JoEllen (she really does a lot of work getting these put together ahead of time) but the kids had a good time without me. Click HERE to see the cute pictures on Spencer's blog.
I miss my family dearly but I'm so happy to see them enjoying the holidays and our traditions. Change comes to our lives....sometimes whether we are looking for it or not and we adjust. Sometimes tragedy comes to our lives in many forms but we forge on with faith and at this time of year, I'm especially thankful for my testimony of the Savior and His Atonement. It's a comfort that I don't have to do the hard things alone. May we all remember the "reason for the season" and make sure that..."love so easily understands, what you can see is the smallest part; you don't need Christmas in your hands, when you have Christmas in your heart". Merry Christmas...and may most of your days be merry and bright.