Saturday, February 1, 2020

Sunshine, yarn and mountain air.....

....and it doesn't get much better than that. Such a warm, nice day today, I had to stay outside as long as the sun would let me and one of my favorite hobbies, is yarn either knitting or crocheting....I love them both but crochet is easier and goes lots faster and I'm starting to like how things turn out. I'm practicing different stitches now as I work on hats. Hats are always needed up here (let me know if you need one) and I have enjoyed making them.  This hobby has helped me get through a lot of tough times and keep me out of the mental institution. I learned it from my grandma. I used to crochet hats in school (actually in class, I sat on the back row). School caused me a lot of anxiety. I crocheted an afghan when I lost my baby in 1980. It really did sooth my soul and when Scott was sick and I spent a lot of time in the hospital, I would crochet hot-pot holders and give them to the nurses. Everyone needs a hobby. Someone taught Mason to knit.....I'm sure it got him through a lot of anxiety in dental school. Impressive, right?.......................
I told Randy he needed a hobby. He'll have shoulder surgery soon and the days will get pretty long.  I offered to teach him to knit.....he refused but....he started a puzzle.....
....and you won't see me assisting. This drives me craaaaaazy. I prefer sewing the same stitch over and over again, hours on end and seeing my finished product way faster than a puzzle but it's just what his family does.....and I'm sure many families do it but not mine and not my mother's family. Nope, no puzzles in our house, E V E R but if it helps him kill some time, I'm grateful. As we are thinking about this upcoming surgery, I actually had a panic attack yesterday thinking of all the things Randy does for us that he won't be able to do any more, that I will have to VACUUMING.....I'll have to figure out how to run the vacuum.....or maybe he can do it left handed. Hauling, least he did get my taxes done. We will be fine but he sure does a lot around here and I really appreciate him. It will be my honor to help him get better. He sure does need that right arm (without pain) so he can get back to his most important task...making money. Good chance for us to face reality for a few months and have to cut not buying stuff like sports cars.
Low mileage, decent price and a whole lot of fun not to mention, it's on my bucket list....I love convertibles. A hobby? You might say, yes but it sparks joy. 
I can't leave this post and this day without remembering my dear mother who left us 2 years ago today. She had hobbies.....mostly cleaning house and staying organized and serving others.
She would start and end her day in service.  She loved to bake and give wonderful cakes, cookies, pies, and bread to her neighbors.  When we were little we would run her delectible goodies around the neighborhood or take fresh milk and cream from dad's cows to neighbors and friends in need. I baked her honor......and took some cookies to a few friends.I couldn't get this picture to turn the right way but I'll work on it.  I don't do much service up here in Pine Valley but I do like to give away the things I make and hope it sparks joy in someone's day......and speaking of sparking joy in someone's day....I felt joy today as I love to just "be" here. Everything is looking drab but that just tells us spring is on it's way and I've said this before and I'll say it again.....I LOVE 4 SEASONS. Here is my home today, February 1, 2020.

The first daffodil will be blooming soon in St. George.....weird, huh? Only 30 miles difference and I do love to drive to the warm once in a while but I prefer living in the cold......and getting warm.....
right here. Looks like it needs a dusting....but that's the way it always is. Here's a shot as we drove
home yesterday from town to show the contrast of just 30 miles. Those clouds love to settle on our mountains.  And never forget that........


May your soul be bright......even when the day is not.

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