.......never disappoints. It's awesome to catch one of these sunsets as I did driving home on Thursday. Yes, I did stop the car and get out. I can't resist when I see one of these. I consider it a privilege whenever I get to see one......
I don't get up early enough but every once in a while I get the leftovers of a beautiful sunrise through my bedroom window. It comes through in bright coral and blue stripes and once again, I feel so gifted when it happens.

We've had snow all day today....didn't take pics but we are grateful for that gift as well. It made for a beautiful day to be in church and give thanks for this moisture that we pray so fervently for. This was Friday morning, Feb. 7. My goodness, we are at the middle of the month already. So what's happening in this month of February. I got to spend some time with my kids this past week......when I was surprised by Kyle's family, they came to watch the Super Bowl with us. It isn't really that important but we all wanted KC to win.....I like Mahomes and we all like Andy Reid. Fun to see him get his first win but mostly fun to have a visit with my family. The children are growing and getting too busy any more to come to Pine Valley but I'm so proud of all that they are doing and I'm especially proud of George and the great missionary he is.
I put Matty in charge of the relish tray.....um, talk about creativity. Very impressive.

This week I've enjoyed spending time with the littles and made them hand-warmers (fingerless mittens) and hats. Lauri's pom-poms just scream for a hat. I especially love having a hobby to do on these long, sit-by-the-fire days. Today I continued listening to "Little Women" on audible. I saw the movie a few weeks back and it was really good but nothing is quite as good as the book and I have especially loved having it read to me. One of today's chapters was number 8.....especially a good one for a lesson on anger. If you have a minute you might want to read that one and there are so many lessons to be learned. This is the chapter when Amy burns Jo's manuscript that she has been working so hard on, justifying the act as revenge for not getting to go to the ball. Jo finds out.....as Amy confessed...."Yes, I did it. I told you I'd make you pay for being so cross yesterday and I have, so....." Amy got no further as Jo's hot temper mastered her, and she shook Amy till her teeth chattered in her head, crying, in a passion of grief and anger." Jo's book was the pride of her heart......"I could never write it again." She says. The storm cleared before Marmy came home. The house wasn't very cheery that night but Mrs. March whispered to Jo as she said good night......" MY DEAR, DON'T LET THE SUN GO DOWN UPON YOUR ANGER; FORGIVE EACH OTHER, HELP EACH OTHER, AND BEGIN AGAIN TOMORROW....and then she goes on to counsel her daughter how she conquered her anger. Oh, that we all could do that.....but we can work on it and no one needs it more than me. In our Relief Society lesson one of the sisters said....."We pray for God's arms to be around us and his hand to be over our mouth." I loved that. Mrs. March admitted that she wasn't patient by nature but her husband helped her because of his calm, peaceful demeanor.....it was always an example to her. I feel like I can say the same. I don't get far here in my Pine Valley home as my temper flares....Randy is always so patient that I try (along with my medication daily) to pray for peace and self control. It's a parents' sincerest prayer that her children come to her as Jo did.......Jo held her mother tight......"and in the silence which followed the sincerest prayer she had ever prayed left her heart without words; for in that sad yet happy hour, she had learned not only the bitterness of remorse and despair, but the sweetness of self-denial and self-control; and led by her mother's hand, she had drawn nearer to Him, our Friend who welcomes every child with a love stronger than that of any father, tenderer than that of any mother."

This is Randy and I love the look on his face 'cause it says just what I would be thinking if I were him and had to face shoulder surgery in 4 days from now.....here we go......and he is excited to finally get this problem fixed and move on to more pleasant things.......like cruising with the top down pain free. Pray for him......and me. We will be recuperating in Joyce's basement. Would love visits and treats.
I looked it up in Webster's Dictionary and this is what it is.....it takes … moxie to pull up roots and go to a land where the culture and probably the language are totally foreign.
May we all have Moxie throughout the week...( ENERGY, PEP
woke up full of Moxie ) and peace in knowing we all have a Friend who wants to help us on this journey.
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