Monday, December 26, 2011

'Tis the season.....

....for family, food, and fun and we have done just that throughout the past week. I've had a really hard time feeling the spirit of Christmas this year but as soon as the family started to arrive and the festivities began, I pumped up the the tunes and the non-stop fun began. Pretty late in the season for this to be the first time at the Temple to see the lights but I ventured up with Spencer's fam on Thursday.....Traci and Russ arrived Thursday night....
Friday night was our 3rd Annual Gingerbread House Competition....winner, me, proclaimed by me 'cause I was the judge and all of my little grand children wanted to win so badly and I didn't know which one of them should win and so I proclaimed myself the winner because I felt in my heart that none of them would get mad at their grandmother....right, wrong, call it what you want....I've always felt that losing once in a while builds character so we did a little character building that night but each of their little houses was a winner to me and it would have been hard to pick just one. There actually was a very minimal amount of grumbling. My many thanks again to JoEllen who works hard to put the framework together for all 16 of the houses.
Saturday morning was our hike to the red hill...a must on Christmas Eve. Kills time and tires the kiddies and gets them ever so ready to climb into bed at night....
...but the Homerun Derby that is usually on Christmas day was also on this day as Christmas fell on a everyone was even more tired by the time this was over....
...and Spencer being home for the first time in a lot of years went home the winner....and had the privilege of holding the Louisville Slugger bat in the group pic.
...then on to the Christmas Eve party at my Mom's....this year over 50 of us but we fit and had fun. After the usual great food, Colleen had prepared a "Minute to Win It" competition....
...where everyone enjoyed trying the various stunts....
....and the kids posed in their jackets from Great Grandma.....
....then on to my house for my "Grandma Gift" to the kids......
"You have to wait on the stairs until I'm ready"........
Money jars for everyone.....Three parts to this gift. 1. Something to put the money in. 2. Some money (a roll of quarters for each kid) 3. When it's filled up, come to me and I'll give you another roll of quarters. Now on to a new year. May your days be as merry and bright as they possibly can be. Happy New Year!!!!

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