Friday, December 16, 2011

What happens at Grandma's...

.....stays at grandma's unless you blog about it so here goes. The kids came over for the evening.
After a little pizza and pop....
....let's just say it turned into a "Shasta Blast" as I bought a bunch of those little cans of Shasta so they could each have their own can of pop (they usually waste the big ones)...and Drew had the idea that if you shake it really hard and chuck it at the wall, it explodes.
He begged me to let him do it...and of course, trend setter that he is, they all wanted to try it and as disgusting as it was and as wasteful as it was and as messy as it was....I didn't say no.
Grandmas kinda don't really know how to say no and it made them happy and it made me what's a few half cans of Shasta if it brings momentary joy and laughter.
Jack got in on the act....look how proud he is. How could I deny a kid that joy?
Then the silliness began....three little girls in a big pair of pajamas...."help, we've fallen and we can't get up"......
...and I finally got my tree decorated...they did a mighty fine job.
We actually tried going Christmas caroling....didn't work out so well but we decorated some cupcakes, colored some pictures, played a little "Steal the Pillows" and by about 9....well, let's just say my love had run out and I was ready to have them put their heads on their own little beds. That's where mine's going right now...Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


joycew said...

You are setting the bar waaay tooo hiiigh for some of us other grandmas to live up to. I hope your grandkids know how lucky they are!!

Spencer said...

Freaking Hilarious

Karen Mendenhall said...

I wish I had a grandma like you, I wish I had grandkids around so I could try to be a grandma like you...what's up with that you were supposed to come to our party not babysit for it! You are the greatest!

Staheli said...

I second Spencer on that one....freaking hilarious! You truly are a rockin' awesome grandma!