Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I totally forgot.....

....that I have a tendency toward Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) which explains why I've been a little blue for the past few weeks. Yes, it is a disorder and you can read about it HERE 'cause you may have it too but I just haven't felt like doing much....get the necessities done (barely) but the mood has definitely changed and once I remember that I have this, I'm able to do some things that combat the symptoms like.....hang out with the grand kids.
We hooked up at the 150th Anniversary of the City of St. George. The kids enjoyed this photo op at the law enforcement booth then we headed to Chuck a Rama for some grub. Good times.
Another remedy is to get out and enjoy the sunshine....this we did. Joyce and I took mom and Aunt Beulah out to see the new little lambs. Beautiful day. Love the blue sky.
A "sisters lunch" at Cracker Barrel....good company is a definite remedy.
Here's a sure cure....go listen to one of your favorite singers. Eric Dodge was performing at the celebration. His songs always bring a smile to my face.
Hangin' out with these kids really is a sure cure for me. They are enjoying Spence Esplin's hat collection. I won't let the seasonal blues get the best of me. I'm gonna get out in the sunshine and count my blessings. Life is good.


Unknown said...

What happened to Disneyland? Did you change your mind?

Staheli said...

I sure love you mom. I'm glad you had a good time...it was so great to see you yesterday. I miss you, I hope that SAD wont keep you sad cause you deserve to be happy. Thanks for the post.

Sarah said...

I never even heard they were doing fun stuff for the celebration! Boo. Shoot me a text or call and we can hang out and not be down!