Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The boys of summer....

....were at it tonight at the ball field for the season's opener. It was Drew's turn tonight....his very first season of little league with some others to follow. Seth and McKay are on the same team so that will be easy....then little Jack (and I'm not sure if Evan's playing or not) but my Mondays and Wednesdays will be filled up for a while but it was good to hear the bats crackin' tonight.
Leon's the coach but Spencer is helping....brought back some fond memories of the days when they played and their dads coached.
Kenny: "Hey, Spence....we all have our Boston hats on."
"Maybe your mom could take a picture of us and put it on her blog".....
Conference was good, as usual but even better as Joyce and I got some "up close and personal" tickets....
My favorite quote from conference: "Stop it" by Elder Uchtdorf (which could apply, really, to a lot of things we are doing). This is a favorite that I plucked from Facebook.
I feel blessed every day to have another chance.....


Staheli said...

thanks mom. It was good to see you. I love that little league is starting up. so fun! Love you!

Karen Mendenhall said...

Love your blog as usual...do you have my new blog address? justus2kids.blogspot.com ... I hear you have great news, but I see no blog...you are falling down on the job...so happy for you!