Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hi there...

...just checking in from one of our favorite spots.....
located just a little past Cool, California.....
hidden down in a little unknown valley with a flowing stream, lots of waterfalls,  some fun bridges and just a peaceful place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It's owned by one of Randy's clients who gave us permission to invade today and enjoy a quiet Sunday afternoon together in nature. We gathered up some tamales that we got at Denio's yesterday and threw together a little picnic and headed up the road for an adventure. I'm fascinated with all the little, unknown to the world places that Randy knows about up here, mostly due to people he has worked for. I love watching for any wildlife I can capture with my camera and we found a few of those today as well but mostly just enjoyed a beautiful, sunny day.
Maybe this will be us sometime soon.....just rowing down the American River.
This place is truly amazing. I posted some pictures just like this on a previous post but couldn't resist showing you again.
 Randy pointed out these little bugs on the rocks. I didn't even see them but thought I'd try to capture them with my "micro" setting.
Another cool day in Cool, California....
Enjoyed some beautiful scenes coming down into the valley. We went through some little towns and stopped at a couple of cemeteries and tried a little geocaching but with no luck today....but, speaking geocaching....
...we took Myah out for a bike ride on Saturday and found a couple. I went on my bike ride on Friday and found my first one on my own. I'm not very good at it but it was fun to finally be able to find one. Crazy hobby, I know but it makes my bike rides a little more fun....and gets me out in nature. And speaking of nature....
...these are some of my neighbors that show up each morning. Have a great week. Take time to watch the birds, smell the flowers and catch a movie.... "42" theaters now. Best movie ever....well, maybe not "ever" but it made me feel really good and made me want to be a better person.

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