Sunday, December 15, 2013

December catch up.....'s been quite a busy last few weeks but we'll start at the top....our trip home for Thanksgiving. We drove through the night down the loneliest road in America, Highway 50 and didn't see more than a dozen cars all night long.
One of our stops is in Ely....where Randy found this.....he was quite proud of himself.
Yes, it was very cold but we made it in the early morning hours. We enjoyed Thanksgiving Dinner at his mom's.
Earlier in the morning, we were able to witness several family members finishing the Gobbler....great fun and a great way to start a day of eating.
The Mason Wells Family were out in full force....I think this was Miller's first. He totally rocked it. Kaila ran it with Kai and they had a great time as well. We were able to get in some really good family time while home.
Always fun to sit around mom's family room on Sunday night.
Randy even got his stitches out from his implant last week. Nothing like personalized service from your dentist, right?
Caught a quick picture of Kyle's kids playing in the leaves on my way to hang with Spencer's kids while he and Shana were at the temple.....
Got to take in "Parent's Day" at Maycee's dance and see Miss Sheila at work. 
Lauri made us the perfect BLT in celebration of "BLT Day"....the first ever Scott Wells Family Tradition on December 1....yum. So, we've officially started December and Aunt Beulah's Funeral was a reunion of the cousins. It was also the day of the record breaking snow storm in Southern Utah so a lot of the cousins couldn't come.....but it was good to pay tribute to this fine woman.....
Me and my siblings with Aunt Beulah's children....Joyce, me, Bruce, ReKay, Craig, Diane and Ron...A fine bunch of younguns....don't ya think?
The sweetest thing of the day was when the funeral director called up all the great grand kids to help him tuck in their grandma....then gave them each a guardian angel pin. I cried....I did. I want them to do that at my funeral. It was just so sweet.
My Aunt Beulah ordered this snow. She loved the snow. She absolutely would have been dancing around in it, making snow angels and it's so amazing that it was here and so beautiful on this her burial day. Snow or not, I had to get to Traci's. She had her tonsils out and Russ was leaving so I hitched a ride with my cousin Mary Alice Fairbanks and her husband. Made it to Tooele, got a car from James' house and headed out behind a snow plow to get to my baby girl.....she was in so much pain. Her saga is on her blog but it's private so if you have an invite, please be sure and read what she's been through. Randy sensed my anxiety and flew in Sunday night to help me out. He was amazing with her little boys....they love him so. He would take care of them while I took care of her....and she ended up having a horrendous midnight run to the ER with her bleeding. I'm crying as I write this.....
Bless her heart. They had to cauterize her anesthesia and they went at it three times. Arggghhhh.
Randy was so good with the boys. I already said that but it was worth repeating.  I was grateful for his help. We headed on to St. George long enough to give our moms a hug and I was able to go to Maycee's Nutcracker. She did awesome and it was so beautiful.
These grandmas have enjoyed watching her dance for a lot of years. We have a picture about like this when she was only 3 or 4 back in Kentucky. Randy and I got back to Folsom and I was able to attend tithing settlement tonight. Sad to say, I was a bit behind in my tithes but got all caught up and came through the door and proudly announced that I'm a full tithe payer, now let's watch the blessings a phone call from my boys.....
I kinda knew all that cold weather would reak havoc with my pipes.....not quite this soon though. Laynee had come to study at my house and discovered it. Now that WAS a blessing. The boys and their kids and friends all pitched in to help clean up.....that was also a blessing. Thanks to everyone. I'll be home soon.
I had been needing to rid my house of 30 plus years worth of crap....done, cha ching.....another blessing. So the Christmas cards are just not going to get out this year....but here it is. 
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and to be married to an awesome man that keeps me calm and tries to teach me how to smile through it all. He's my Pollyanna, always finds something to be glad about.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.....
P.S:   I forgot the best part of the whole time I got to be home. I was there for one of Kyle's lectures.  Didn't understand anything he said but just sat there with my jaw dropping wondering where on earth he learned all this intellectual stuff. He certainly didn't get his "smarts" from me but I was impressed.
This is the article that was in the paper advertising his lecture. 

1 comment:

Penny said...

I mailed you and Randy a Christmas Card but it came back. I'll bring it over to your house. I love your card. Very cute!