Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Juror # 55.....

....that would be me showing up for Jury Duty a week ago Monday at the audacious hour of 8:30 in the morning along with 70 other jurors, some seasoned, some newcomers like me but we were there and did what we were told. First off, it's a murder there anyone who isn't o.k. with that and that's where I should have raised my hand but heck no.....a Dateline episode come to life....I'm in. So for the rest of the day, 8 hours to be exact we were questioned, issued oaths, one at a time told about ourselves....where we live, what we do, what we watch, how we get our news, what are our hobbies, etc.....and most of them said they watched Fox News and I couldn't figure out why but found out later, that's terms for expulsion because of bias I guess...  Anyway, going around a room with 70 people to stand up and talk takes a minute or two...then we were ushered in one at a time to talk to the lawyers. Me being Juror #55, I didn't make it.  They had their jury picked by #35 and we were excused to go at 4:30.  Interesting day to say the least. When it was all over I looked it up with the few facts that I knew and found the case and am really ever so glad I didn't have to sit through that. A guy murdered his girlfriend and put her in the bathtub and covered her with blankets and pillows then left the state. They found her 11 days later. Yes, he was on Meth...duh...but he did it and that jury of mine convicted him. That's just in a nutshell, the Sprectrum outlined the juicy details and I'm sure what the jurors had to hear would have burned my ears and caused me nightmares for many years to come.  Here's the article if you are a glutton for punishment. The guy in the green shirt.....GUILTY as charged.

...and on a lighter note and speaking of GUILTY.....we were totally "guilty" of having the best Easter Picnic Evaaaaaaa. It's like we rented the DSU ATWOOD INNOVATION CENTER for the afternoon.  This is the old East Elementary and Kyle thought he owned it back then but he really does now....well not really but he is in charge and it is a wonderful use of a very old (but not that old) building as I was in the first kindergarten class in that new you do the math. I'm 68.
Here I am showing some very uninterested grandchildren where I went to kindergarten but that's not all that important because all of my children went there too and some of their children so I guess it is pretty old but let's just say, they are "recycling" it and in fine fashion I must add.  It is very impressive and Kyle is the one that has solicited $$$$ for this place traveling all over meeting with very rich people.
Kyle is in the red tie on the front row, third from the right.

Evan is pictured on the computer creating a pattern for a 3D printer.

However, as I said, we were privileged to use the grounds of the school for our Easter Picnic where Don Willie, the other owner (not really but a very smart man that is the director) and his family joined Kyle's fam, Traci's fam, Lauri's fam, Brad and Ashley and kids and Joyce and Jarrett where we had a grand time playing on the playground, cruising around on the rentable scooters that the city has provided and then eating the best food ever
and have a HUGE egg hunt. I was so tired I didn't even want to hit the Arts that's pretty tired for me but it was a wonderful and educational afternoon as Kyle helped the kids design their own plastic eggs from the 3D printer....(boggles my mind).
After some quick instruction...Randy was off.
 I love it when my little kiddos come running toward me.... excited for the hunt.
 This is the mysterious 3D I said it so boggles my mind. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen this with my own eyes.....
 ...and here's Jarrett scraping off one of the mistakes.
Here are some cute as heck pics of the kids...
 I think Mae has a huge crush on Henry and when I asked her if she had talked to him she said..."He doesn't know who I am....I have different clothes on." Love it.....
 It just doesn't get much cuter...
 JoEllen is helping Ruby get just a little higher.....
 Good to see the guys relaxin' a bit....
We really had such a good time together. I'm going to end this segment with my favorite picture of the day.  I've titled it "My Girls".  Always love it when I can get them both in one shot.
Oh how I love these two.....
And now as we say goodbye to April, here are a couple of shots I took when we rode up to the res yesterday afternoon.
This is the base of Whipple Trail.....don't think that snow is going anywhere any time soon. Maybe June.
Here are a couple of deer we saw at the side of the road. They are starting to come home. So are the cows, folks arghhhhh......Goodbye April, hello cows, I mean May. It will soon be Christmas.

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