Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marathon time..... family time and maybe that's why I love it but I had 5 precious family members running this year and in past years I haven't put forth the effort to support but this year was the exception. I do love hosting the runners each year.......
...including the following: Jared, Mason, Mandy, Kyle, Laynee, Spencer and Mason's friends from South Jordan. It's fun to gather 'round the fire and feel of their angst and energy for the evening and then get up early and drive them to the line in Central and then head on to town to welcome them as they cross about the 24 mile point at Diagnonal (Janice's corner), snap a few pics, then head home to finish Conference.  I didn't try to go the finish line as the angst and energy of all the people there gets to me but I'm sorry I didn't.  I'll have to remember to put forth a little more effort next year. My people all finished with great times.....Kyle being the last but with not much training his athleticism carries him across the line a little over 4 hours.  He's been running since '91 taking a bit of a mid-life crisis rest but once you do it, you have to keep doing it, so they say. Every year I tell myself I'm going to train but it comes and goes and I can't even make myself get outside and walk. My watch reminds me to stand up every hour and that's about how often I have to go pee so I get credit for that and after each day, I've put in enough activity to close the red circle but the yellow exercise one seldom comes close to closure. Room for improvement is always good, right?
Here are my runners. Crazy kids but I always admire someone with passion and most of these people have it. This was Laynee's first because she's been in X-Country and her coach wouldn't let her but she did great, sore for 4 days but alive and well.  Love these runners of mine. Deep down I'm sure there's a runner in me, and that's where they get it......I wish.  I always say "I wish I wanted to run". This week-end led to a short family reunion. Mason is the only one that doesn't live here so when he comes to town, it's a party......thanks to Lauri, and pictures thanks to me. I know they hate it but I love it. Only missing George (missionary) but he was there in our hearts.
Love my grandkid line up.
I sure love this family of mine. Our one hour family reunions are the best....we eat, we talk, we laugh, we take pics then we go home. The best. Who says a family has to tolerate each other for a whole week.....not me.
We celebrated Mason's birthday and Matty got him this shirt because he refused to hug the last time they went to get their dental work done. Typical Mason but he's just hiding that sweet, generous heart that he shows everyone unless you are on his "Reasons Not to be Friends With You" list. We all love and laugh at his gruffness because we know it's just him hiding his vulnerability....and speaking of handsomeness.....Woody Harrelson look-a-like Russ, participated on Wall Street with his successful business.......Health Catalysts....and Mel Gibson look-a-like.......

.....Kyle was spotted at Orange Peel and the paparazzi took advantage of his cuteness. I saw a quote a while back that said.......

"No matter what life throws at me, at least I don't have ugly kids.......................... and I'm here to say, I have the cutest grand kids too, 20 of them and as enamored as I am with Pine Valley, all four seasons..................,
my "enamoredness" spills over to my grandkids and these dollies. I was going to leave this for another post but why......I'm here and posting and nothing is in order because I procrastinated my summer away so here ya go with an amazing overdose of cuteness.
Molly wanted an American Girl I got her one for her birthday and it was such a hit, the kids couldn't leave it alone so I decided "Lola" needed some friends so I got her some. They are having a blast and yesterday I even got Louis "Gabe". No pics yet but they really seem to love them. I loved dolls when I was a kid and I have all of them still. I told these kids that if they take care of them, their grandkids can enjoy them as I did. So here's to dolls....and tho they are not really dolls, I've been crocheting bears. The first one was in February when I was staying with Spencer's kids. I made one and Seth said "I want one"......I was quite surprised but I made him one and that started me making each grand child one for their birthday. I loved it because I was able to make it specifically for that child and it brought me loads of joy. When I started thinking too hard about it, it seemed "cheesy" but then I decided, it was more for me than them. I loved "making" something that would be unique and only from they each have a bear like this one to put on their shelf and hopefully remember a grandma that loves them "beary" much.
Then Max commissioned me to make him some "Gorbs"......which he sold for a buck to his friends. Soon everyone of them were putting in their orders. I love making stuff, and even more when the people I love want the stuff I make.

I'm making headway of capturing the summer. I'll head on to my crocheting, making scarves for my missionary, and more bears and blankets for the dolls. There's always something to do here in Pine Valley. I've been reading "My Dear Hamilton" and "Woman Last Seen in Her Thirties" and I've enjoyed Tad Callisters "A Case for the Book of Mormon" and Pres. Nelsons "Insights". More to come...........

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