Friday, January 25, 2008

Sock it to me.......

Da ta da da.... drum roll please..... Here they are. I finished a pair of socks; a real, wearable, comfortable pair of socks. Ah...accomplishment. I love having the time to learn new things. I've tried socks before but never successfully and I finally took a class and wallah.....socks!!! The hardest part is getting them to be exactly the same but what the heck. I can wear them and I made them..... mistakes and all. I did it! I'm taking orders. State your size, color preference and act quickly to get your pair by 2010.


M&M WELLS said...

Looks good mom, we could use a pair of those out here, it has been cold and those socks look nice and warm.

Anonymous said...

Awesome, Mom! I'm so proud. I'll take a size fact, make it two!

Emily said...

That looks great Jillyn, I'm tempted to put in an order myself. Better yet, maybe I can tack a lesson next time I'm in town or if we ever meet up in Oregon!

Margaret said...

That looks great, Jillyn! I can't believe you did that.
Julie and I are leaving for the Netherlands in about 4 weeks to celebrate my 60th birthday with my family:))))))))))
Talk to you soon!

Nate Sarah Cooper and Hank said...

I am impressed way to go, they look great!I'll take a few.

Maggie said...

Jillyn, your socks look awesome. I'd love to invite you to our blog. Just send me an email with your email address and I'll put you on my list. Sorry- didn't mean to exclude you.
My email is maggie lebaron (one word) Hope all is going well.

Staheli said...

knew you could do it!!!