Saturday, September 5, 2009

It's fun to re-connect with cousins....

.....and sometimes it takes a funeral in the family to do just that. We traveled to Moab for the funeral of my cousin Doug and saw some relatives I hadn't seen since childhood. When I would visit my Cannon Cousins, they had cousins from the other side of the family there a lot, one of them even living with them so I just thought they were my cousins too and when I saw them at the funeral, I felt like I was truly "re-connecting" with my own cousins. Lynn, Eldon and Janine Cannon came to pay tribute to Doug and it was sure fun seeing them again, remembering the good times and the warm welcome we always felt in Uncle Arnold and Aunt Ruth's home in Hurricane.

Speaking of Hurricane.....we were able to enjoy Peach Days, a take-off on the old Washington County Fair that we all remember on the school grounds in the middle of the little city of Hurricane. Last night I took mom over and she was able to see a lot of the people she knew from her days growing up there and we enjoyed an Eric Dodge concert. Then, this morning, we all met and rode on the family float honoring my grandfather, Frank Barber, who owned the first tree farm (nursery) in Hurricane. Lots of fun.....lots of candy....and great "fair food", as always. I should have taken a picture of some of the decadent stuff I had but I think I'd like to forget about it right now and move on......"I'll go on a diet tomorrow, I'll starve 'til I waste away....I'll go on a diet tomorrow.....but I gotta eat today"....because I'm at the fair.


Karen M. said...

love the post, I miss not being in Hurricane for the Peach Days, we had Navajo Tacos here in Missouri just in remembrance, the kids have never had them and thought they were great, my style. One more day and we come back the time went by wayyyyy too fast. Glad you could have a great reunion and reconnect and thanks for sharing.

Laynee said...

fun!!!! wish i was there!!! see ya in a couple days!!!!!!