Saturday, September 19, 2009

McKay's havin' a birthday and baby's got a name....

Yep, big day for McKay.....tomorrow is the real #5 but today was the party at Jumpin' Jacks and it was chaotic but lots of fun. Thanks for inviting me, McKay....I.'d never been there and it really is a fun place for kids to run around wild with not many rules (I'm amazed they're still all in one piece as big kids and little kids mingle and crash into each other a lot). Great fun....Happy Birthday McKay. He and Maycee both had soccer games this morning. I got to see Drewby and Seth play last week and Maycee this week. (I got lost in my own town and couldn't find McKay's but there will be other Saturdays)....and I do love watching the little ones do what they do. Reminds me of the good ol' days watchin' my own. I miss those days. It's still pretty hot around here but I can almost feel fall coming....almost....not quite...but almost (do I sound hopeful?) I love fall........

.......and Matilyn K (Matty) arrived home ya gotta know there's a lot of love in the Kyle Wells household today and hopefully a lot of naps takin' place right now as it's been a pretty wild couple of days for them.


Me Chelle said...

oh my goodness all that hair she already needs a hair cut :) she's gorgeous

Laynee said...

happy birthday big mack!!!!! love ya !!! cant wait to see matty!!!!