Wednesday, November 25, 2009

For the last seven years.....

......I have sat around this table for Thanksgiving....(well, not exactly every year; one year we went to a restaurant, and some of the years we had it at Mason and Mandy's apartment)....but I've been in Kentucky for the last 7 years and the plane took off without me this morning. Don't get me wrong; I'm happy to be here with my family but I have to admit that I'm missing my Kentucky kids a bit this morning. I used to take the kids to a motel on Thursday night and we'd just hang out and do whatever we wanted to do. Those were good times....but so are these and we have many, many things to be thankful for on this day. So, as I wander around today and try to figure out how to do "Thanksgiving" at home, I'm thinking of Spencer's family in Kentucky, and Traci and Russ and their family in Logan but I'm enjoying Lauri and James and Kyle and Mason's families here. Lots to be grateful for. Happy Thanksgiving one and all.

1 comment:

Laynee said...

i do miss going to the motel!!!! that was fun!!love ya and miss ya!!!
i know one thing im grateful for is family!!!!