Friday, November 13, 2009

Seen a good movie lately?......

On Monday, November 16, Scott G. Wells would have been 60 years old and today I want to honor him by remembering one of his favorite things to do: retire to our "lower 40", settle in with anyone that would join him (or he'd be totally content to be alone) and watch a favorite movie. He could watch the same one over and over again so I sent out a family e-mail a few years back to see if any of the kids knew his favorite movie and I want to share that particular family e-mail with blog world. Question: What is dad's favorite movie:
Traci's answer:
Dad's favorite movie before the restriction on rated R was "Last of the Mohicans" because one night when I was about 10 years old it was only him and me at home and he wanted to watch it so bad that he let me watch it with him. But I believe his favorite actor is Harrison Ford.
Spencer's Answer:
My guess for Dad's favorite movie it would probably have to be "The Shawshank Redemption"....and I think his favorite actor was Sir Anthony Hopkins...which then leads me to believe that his favorite movie was in fact, "The Mask of Zorro"...Honestly, how often did Dad go to the movie theater to see a movie (the answer to that is "rarely"), but he liked Zorro so much that I believe he went to the theater 3 times! That was very uncharacteristic of Dad and that's my final guess (but I'm pretty sure on the Anthony Hopkins answer...I remember him talking about him. After he had read Bram Stoker's "Dracula" I asked him if he wanted to see the movie, and he didn't really care to, but I mentioned that it had Anthony Hopkins...He thought about it, but I saw it first and it was not a good movie so he abstained)...anyway.......
Lauri's answer:
I am going to agree with my sister that dad's favorite movie was "Last of the Mohicans." In his later non-rated R movie years I'm going to guess his favorite movie was "American President". He may not have wanted to admit it but there were a few chick flicks I watched many a times with him and that one we watched a lot, but Spencer makes a good argument with the Zorro and the theater sightings, so I don't know.
Mason's Answer:
I totally forgot about Anthony Hopkins and "Mask of Zoro", but honestly, he let his 10 year old daughter watch an R rated movie with him just because he wanted to watch it so bad, I'm stickin' with "Last of the Mohicans"......but I really think Dad's favorite movie would have to be "The Doctor" because he used to watch that one when there was nothing else to watch. I put that as my answer because I thought that he might have told mom that it was his favorite, maybe at dinner one night back in the day. Among his others would be some action flicks like "True Lies" with Arnold S. and "Mask of Zorro". The first movie I watched when I came home from my mission was that one and it was at his request.
Kyle's Answer:
Dad's favorite movie was "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World." We used to watch that movie late at night and he would wake the whole house up with laughter. There was one scene in that movie that got him laughing so loud that he fell off the couch.
One thing we all agree on is that we enjoyed watching him enjoy his favorite movies, sometimes, every day of the week (the same movie) and we especially enjoyed his laughter. I remember him laughing so loud while watching "Home Alone" in German (we were in Switzerland) I had to quiet him down so the other hotel guests wouldn't complain. So....this Monday, dust off one of your old favorite flicks, pop some corn, pour a Pepsi....and think of Scott.


Anita Wells said...

what's your answer?
we'll be thinking of him, and you. thanks.

Karen M. said...

Len's favorite movie is also Last of the Mohicans, it must be a generational thing. Even if it was rated R he still loves it. I like the other nominees also, Scott had good taste in movies but my guess is that he loved any movie he could watch with his kids!!! Happy Birthday Scott, you are so missed, and I didn't even know you...

Penny said...

I remember one night up at the cabin JoEllen and I made him watch Simon Birch with us. He loved it until it made him cry then he got mad at us and left the room. It was so funny.

Staheli said...

Thanks mom. Have fun in Disneyland. Eat a churro for me! Happy Birthday Dad!!!

joycew said...

So are you going to be watching movies in Disneyland? Yeah, right!Anyway, have a great birthday celebration in DL and know that the rest of us are jealous!