Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I couldn't be in Disneyland on my birthday....

......but we made sure we were there for Scott's.....we celebrated his 60th birthday in "The Happiest Place on Earth".....and I'm sure he would have been right there with us in the Tiki Hut just sittin' and relaxin' and letting everyone get out there and ride the rides and have a great time while he sat with the babies watching the birdies sing. That's how he rolled and he loved it and made sure we had a family vacation at least once a year. I'll post more later.....
I had a great time with the kids, we got in everything we love and even saw some of the grandkids brave "Tower of Terror" and "Space Mountain". I think we all made it to the Tiki Hut and had a Pineapple Whip. The weather was amazing, the crowds reasonable and the babies did great. All in all, a great trip.....gettin' sweeter by the day. Thanks, guys for a great time and for inviting this old lady along for the ride. (Back to the previous post: I was asked what my answer would be to Scott's favorite movie and as I've thought about it, I'm not sure which would be his all-time favorite but the one I caught him watching a lot was "Pure Country" with George Strait. I don't think he would have wanted anyone to know his leaning toward country but I think he enjoyed the music and the storyline....a very sweet love story. He really was a sucker for "chick flicks". I didn't watch many movies with him as I have "Movie ADD" and could never make it through a whole movie plus I didn't like his choices but I did watch a few with him and made him watch a few with me. He got really mad when I made him watch "My Life" with Michael Keaton. He didn't speak to me for a few days and didn't talk about it since. It was a tear jerker and hit a little too close to home for him I guess.) No one mentioned how much he loved Disney movies. I think he cried while watching Mulan (did I spell that right?) Another P.S. One of the first movies I went to with him when we were dating was "Sound of Music" and he cried.)

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