Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's good to be humbled....

...and that's what I've been the last couple of nights as we have watched the mini-series on John Adams. It's so amazing to realize (and see it come to life on screen) God's hand in the creation of this country and the obstacles they had to overcome for our freedom today. I don't know where I was in George Feller or Heber Jones' history classes but it's like I'm learning it all over again and Randy has to push pause to fill me in every other 5 minutes but it has been amazing. This is the time of year that we celebrate our independence and it has been a good reminder to me of how blessed we really are......
....and speaking of America, what's more American than ice cream? Coldstone Creamery has taken on a "retro" theme of offering some of the old American ice cream favorites like plain, old hot fudge sundaes, strawberry sundaes and rootbeer floats. On our date night, we went there to partake.....the manager came out and saw that we were ordering "retro" and asked us to be in a promotional video....we gave him our contact info and I got the call yesterday.
I put on the "big hair" for the night and tried to look as "retro" as possible. I'm not really sure what they are going to do with the piece but it was fun, we made some new friends, got a tour of behind the scenes at Coldstone and got a free ice cream out of it so it was a successful evening....so if you hear me complain about the weight I'm putting back on, just chalk it up to "happy pounds".....
Happy Birthday, America. 

1 comment:

joycew08 said...

I might just be a little retro myself but I think your "big" hair looks really nice and flattering. And you do look mighty happy! (But then, you're eating ice cream!!)