Sunday, October 28, 2012

Just a few years back....

....39 to be exact, I got an early birthday present. After 9 months and 2 weeks of waiting, we got a little boy. Cutest little guy, with a rough road ahead....paving the way for his siblings and he actually turned out o.k. He's emulating, as we speak, his role as "firstborn" and has become the "father figure" of our family and does it well. I'm sure we wear him out as he really is our "go to" guy. At one time, he would take care of five households (or more) on his monthly bug spraying duties and I know if anything, I mean anything, goes wrong with our houses...."call Kyle".
He wears many hats (and looks good in all of them) our hats off to you, Kyle on this, your day......speaking of hats, he's worn his marathon running hat for eleven years now....and, speaking of running, he chaired the Midnight 5K this year at Dixie's Homecoming and turned it haunted....inviting the zombies from Tuacahn's Thriller to come by for the scare....
...and we made it a family affair.....
...and the winners are....
Even though the hour was late and the air was was good family time. I would highly recommend it and hope we can entice more to join us next year. It was a good run.........Happy Birthday, Kyle. Thanks for making these fun times happen.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just remembering....

....32 years ago yesterday, I gave birth to my 4th little son, David Barber; but didn't get to keep him. Carrying a baby for 9 months and having something go wrong, causes us to think what miracles we watch as new little ones come into the world, normal and healthy as have my daughter's two little babies this past month. Molly and Harrison, two little miracles and HUGE blessings for their families.
I'm grateful that I have been able to be a mother to five....and especially now, grandmother to 17.
And speaking of miracles......this past week-end I've experienced "nature"...and many of God's miracles that surround us every day. The changing of the seasons is always fascinating to me and we were able to witness some of this beautiful "art of nature" around Lake Tahoe. We biked along the lake, through the forest and through several neighborhoods where we saw many fascinating sights. Top left is the back yard of a home that we particularly liked. Randy noticed the trim that had been cut from a single tree. Bottom left, the most amazing orange tree I've ever seen and middle bottom, the most Halloween place one could even imagine. (Actually, I can't even imagine anyone liking the holiday enough to decorate like that).
We took a little detour on the way home and stopped by to see Wright's Lake. So beautiful.
We have been enjoying our bikes and being up-close and personal with nature. Nothin' quite like it......My family has also been out "communing" with nature. Check out Spencer's blog to see where they have been

Friday, October 19, 2012

Who needs a car anyway....

....apparently not me....I have a new "ride" and I'm lovin' it......I flew back and left my car behind but I can get where I need to go and there is a phenomenal trail system here that I've had a great time exploring.
Why, just this morning I took a new turn and found two beautiful parks and miles and miles of more trail....and some scenes like this as it wound around the back yards of a beautiful neighborhood.
It takes me about 20 minutes to ride to my favorite shopping center with a Target, JoAnn's, Trader Joes and Home Goods. It's a good thing I can't buy more than what can fit in the basket I will soon have for my bike.
My plants are doing well.....lovin' the banana tree....
.....and we enjoyed hooking up with the Summerhays to celebrate Spencer's birthday. Beautiful family and a joy to be around. All is well in Folsom.......

Sunday, October 14, 2012

It's been a good run....

...but it's time for me to head out for a couple of weeks to my other life and I'm so grateful I've been able to participate in some very important events....along with the birth of numbers 16 and 17 this past month, last night was the baptism of number 6. McKay was most handsome and his dad was in fine form as he performed this very important ordinance.
I'm grateful for my family and for these times that we come together to celebrate our beliefs, these ordinances and the covenants we make to be better be the best we can be here on earth.
Family fun at Pasta Factory in honor of McKay......
...and so much fun for everyone to get to know their newest cousin and niece,'s been an amazing few weeks. I've loved every minute of seeing everyone again. I shall return.....see y'all on Halloween. The brew will be on and the witch will be in.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Whilst on my morning walk....

....I happened by my childhood home. We lived here until I was 8 years old then moved a few blocks up the street but these were my early formative years and we had a good little neighborhood where we could roam free and play to our hearts content....part of that playing was on the grounds of the beautiful temple..... I couldn't find a picture of my house as it was back then but I found this picture to show the proximity of our home to the temple. These were simple times....we were practically on the outskirts of the town. I remember that I could walk uptown and know most everyone I would meet. East Elementary was only a block away and when we went to Woodward, we would walk the couple of miles uptown. Many a Saturday morning was spent taking the walk "uptown", doing some window shopping, getting a drink at the fountain at Dixie Drug or going to a matinee. I remember even walking home at night if there was a group of us.
Here's another one that shows the temple and our old Chevy.  My dad has been gone from us ten years now.....he was such a good father and I do miss him but I'm so glad he didn't have to get old. That's one thing he never wanted to do. He was always so young at heart.
Here's what the temple looked like Monday morning as I was out walking.....and appreciating the fact that we will all be together again someday because of the redeeming ordinances of the temple.
 Something else I noticed as I walked the old neighborhood were all the pomegranate bushes just bursting with crop.....I have just finished squeezing the ones I got from Grandma Rose's bushes (thanks Kyle and JoEllen for getting those again this year)....and I got a few from Josephine's tree but it's so tempting to knock on doors and ask if I can have them (and I may do just that)....but for now, I'll be satisfied with the six quarts of  "gold" that I have been able to harvest.
We do love our pomegranate jelly.....and if there's anyone out there just letting some of these little beauties go to waste, (I need the deep red sour ones), give me a call. You'd get a couple of jars of jelly out of it for sure. Speaking of families..... was great to be with Mason's fam to celebrate his big day at Sakura....we always love the entertainment that comes with the good food.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

There's always time..... stop and pose with the kids on the marathon course....and Mason did just that this past Saturday as he came to our post. He is, first and foremost, a family man that nurtures and loves his kids and on this day, I wish him the happiest of birthdays and pay homage to the very fine man he has become. He has the tenderest of hearts....camouflaged in his "gruff at times" demeanor that has frightened some, caused others to fear him, but those of us that know him, get our laughs....and lots of them from his "tough guy" antics.
 He dentists by day....but is a soccer dad on week-ends as all three kids are playing.....and he has coached all of their teams at one time or another. This year he's concentrating on Miller's and does it with the utmost of patience.....
....and speaking of patients, he has many of those as he is a very well-respected dentist in Hurricane. HAPPY BIRTHDAY on this day to Mason Sullivan was a good day 34 years ago in Fresno, California, when I became the mother of three's been, and continues to be, great fun.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Marathon Weekend....

.....has become quite a tradition for our family and it's been especially exciting this year as my three sons and a daughter-in-law were running....but first....
...let me just say how beautiful the valley looked as I drove in last night....

...then as I headed out looking for some color....I was not disappointed.....
...then to the cabin for the "carb load" pre-marathon party....Spencer wondering why everyone is so happy...he's scared to death....but......
.....they all made it, Mandy kickin' it with 3:19, Kyle 4:00, Mason 4:19 and Spencer a very respectable 4:43. I'm very proud of all of them and feel the joy enough that I don't have to do it, however, every year, I wish I could and more, I wish I wanted to. I am a very avid fan and supporter... are the kids. They love lining up and giving the runner's high fives.
 ....then it's off to an afternoon of soccer. They all had games, some at the same time...I could only make it to 4 of them but it made for a very full day. Loved it I'm here arguing with blogger. It won't let me do what I want I'll just let it go tonight....and hope it behaves for me tomorrow. I'm looking forward to General Conference tomorrow and getting caught up on what I missed today.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Moving on...

Been in Henderson and now back to St. George to watch my boys and Mandy run the marathon. Things are great here.....Lauri and girls doing well.
Lucy is indifferent toward Molly....that's good though. It could be worse. I couldn't get her to even get close enough for a picture....not sure what she is doing in the bottom left picture but Molly certainly is a little Lauri. It's been good being here and getting acquainted with little Molly and bonding with Lucy. We had a good shopping trip to Toys 'R Us.....I was tempted to get her a Barbie doll but I resisted. Good luck to all my marathon runners......

Thursday, October 4, 2012

On the road again....'s just good to be on the road again especially when I get to see my new little grand babies (and my daughters, of course)....but I just got back from visiting Traci and her boys (Russ is out of town for a few days) and she certainly does have her hands full but handles it well. I don't feel like I do much but it's good to watch the action for a couple of days.....
Meeting Harry for the first time.....he's adorable....and good as gold.....eats and sleeps like a baby should.
Surrounded by her bevy of boys.....So how is it that you raise boys? With your eyes closed, I say, but Traci's are wide open and she's doing great....
Scott is showing off some of his Tae Kwon Do (sp???) and his mom helps with his sit-ups...he's workin' on his 6-pack. Max and Jake remain fascinated with their light guns....good times at the Staheli house.
We ventured out to Gardner Village to meet the witches there...after dinner at Archibald's (yum) Max and I found a yarn shop and boy were we excited.....(I went right home and made him a hat.) Gardner Village is such a fun place......I can relate to witches anywhere.
Meika and Scott showed up with dinner last night. It really was good to see them and enjoy their little ones for a couple of hours. Now...on to Henderson to check on the Stewart's.....see how Molly and Lucy are getting along with their parents. More fun times.....(Randy, if you're reading this, I'm having a good time but I miss you tons. I'll be home soon).