Thursday, October 4, 2012

On the road again....'s just good to be on the road again especially when I get to see my new little grand babies (and my daughters, of course)....but I just got back from visiting Traci and her boys (Russ is out of town for a few days) and she certainly does have her hands full but handles it well. I don't feel like I do much but it's good to watch the action for a couple of days.....
Meeting Harry for the first time.....he's adorable....and good as gold.....eats and sleeps like a baby should.
Surrounded by her bevy of boys.....So how is it that you raise boys? With your eyes closed, I say, but Traci's are wide open and she's doing great....
Scott is showing off some of his Tae Kwon Do (sp???) and his mom helps with his sit-ups...he's workin' on his 6-pack. Max and Jake remain fascinated with their light guns....good times at the Staheli house.
We ventured out to Gardner Village to meet the witches there...after dinner at Archibald's (yum) Max and I found a yarn shop and boy were we excited.....(I went right home and made him a hat.) Gardner Village is such a fun place......I can relate to witches anywhere.
Meika and Scott showed up with dinner last night. It really was good to see them and enjoy their little ones for a couple of hours. Now...on to Henderson to check on the Stewart's.....see how Molly and Lucy are getting along with their parents. More fun times.....(Randy, if you're reading this, I'm having a good time but I miss you tons. I'll be home soon).

1 comment:

Staheli said...

Thanks mom. I love the pictures. We loved having you for a couple of days. Glad that your trip was safe.