Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Sisters, sisters....

....there were never such devoted sisters. Yep, 60 years ago today, I got my one and only sis....best present ever. You know what they say, "I don't need a therapist, I have a sister". She's the best.....
Go HERE to read a previous post about my favorite sis......and speaking of sisters...
...Molly's pretty lucky to have Lucy. Lauri says this pretty much sums up their relationship and it's Lucy's #3 today......Click HERE to read what her mom has to say about her!!!!!
Happy Birthday to mild-mannered Lucy...such a joy and growing up so quickly. I love how meticulously she worked on her gingerbread house. She just goes about her business so quietly and peacefully. She loves to be outside and in nature. I'm sure she'd pick me a daffodil if she were here right now.......
Not many to pick this year....but I have to give credit to those that did show up. Maybe that wicked freeze had something to do with it. They were popping out of the ground the first of December. I guess they got hit pretty hard but I do love them and watch for them every year.

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