Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Another day of so much to blog........6 days to go Spence...

When the cousins are in town, everyone wants to be where the action is and today it was at Mason and Mandy's and oh, my!!!What action there was. I will post these fun pictures for all to see and you will know what a time we had. We started with fun on the Cyclone then Happy Meals, then a trip to the dentist for George and Emily and ended up at the ball park watching Kyle and Mason play ball. Cousins Eric and Clint on the team lots of family togetherness. McKay was not to be left out. We did the best we could to keep his little cast dry but he'd pull himself up to the top and slide right down into the water, plastic-covered leg and all. It really did stay pretty dry. Oh, he looks so sad dragging that thing around. Kyle made him a little crutch and we call him "Tiny Tim". He says, "I'm not tiny" so we just call him Tim. I also added some pictures of the kids herding the ducks back to the pond. This has been a very full day.


Spencer said...

Oh, now you're just rubbing it in. This is killing me!

Camie said...

It doesn't sound like it gets better then all of that.

Lauri Wells said...

spence, all of us that aren't there are wishin we were.