Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, McKay.....

Just wanted to share this serene scene that I saw looking over the William's deck yesterday at McKay's birthday party. I'd like to be a swan and just float in the water all day and look pretty. I swam for 4 hours yesterday and became "one" with the water and it was really hard getting out and getting on with life.....and when I did get out, it was anything but what does that have to do with anything? Nothing except a swan is in the water and I was in the water and I like the water so maybe it would be nice to be a swan, that's all. Take it how you wish....just my random thinking on this Saturday morning as I head to see my loved ones in Kentucky. Today is McKay's actual 4th birthday. We celebrated in fine I said earlier, at the pool, in the water. So, that's it. My blogging brain isn't working well these days. Hopefully, I'll get more inspiration as I have some "thinking" time on the plane. Have a great week-end......whomever may read this. Go throw some bread to a swan today.

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