Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Top o' the mornin' to ya......

....and I hope this finds you lovin' life with a good read in your hands. This book has been recommended to me at least 3 times in the last month and since our book club decided to review it this month, I decided I needed to get my hands on a copy and I haven't been able to put it down. It's a lighthearted, easy read cleverly constructed using exchanges of letters set in a tough time in world history but it's captured my heart to the point that I wish I could be a member of "The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peeler Pie Society", but mostly, I wish we still wrote letters to each other. I've been going through my "stuff" and found old letters I've written both to my missionary (oh, how stupid they are, I think I'll burn them) and to my mom when we lived far away going to school. I used to write her weekly to tell her about Kyle and Spencer because she was missing out on so much by us being so far away. I would tell her every little thing they did and said. Those letters are precious to me. I'm sure we called each other periodically but we mostly communicated by letters and I can remember how important receiving letters was to me as I was away from home. I miss it.....maybe that's why I blog. I feel like I'm writing a letter to someone. Anyway, I ran across a blog that has some great reading ideas. If you'd like to visit it and read a review on this book, click HERE (this person knits socks, too. I need to meet her) and let me know what you've been reading lately.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Hey, I've had my name on a waiting list for that book for weeks. When I put my name, it was number 63... so I may have a long time to wait! Two weeks from today: "Here we go, into the wild blue yonder; flying high... yada, yada, yada.