Monday, August 10, 2009

Good Monday morning to you....

I spent the week-end in Salt Lake and was able to hook up with some friends and have lunch at the Sego Lily Restaurant. Forgot my camera but snapped a couple of pics on my cell phone. Always good to hook up with girlfriends. I spent Saturday bummin' 'round my old stompin' grounds at Temple Square then on to Traci's to help her out while Russ is in NC. Hope everyone out there in blog land is havin' a great summer. We are winding down and fall is in the certainly was in Salt Lake. I even wore a jacket most of the time. Have a great Monday......


Camie said...

Fall is such a great time of year with the scent of the Holidays in the all the colors are fabulous. Hookin' up with girlfriends is always fun and needed.

Diana said...

Thanks for takin' the time and helpin' us get together. Anytime, anywhere - it's always fun.

xomom said...

Let's do it again and soon! Love your blog and I agree with Spencer that it wins hands down! Congrats on the blue ribbon and keep on knitting!!!

Hey, does this mean your socks will come to the State Fair? I could go visit them if they do. Let me know.