Friday, August 14, 2009

It's no secret....

......that I love my family and I love being with any and all of them whether it's a trip to Kentucky to hang with Spencer's family (or even better, having them visit me) or a swim in Mason's pool with whatever little ones are there or an impromptu trip to Pine Valley that always turns into a party or having Traci and her two boys here for the week and finding lots of stuff to do or a surprise visit from Kyle's kids now that Emily and George can ride their bikes to my house or just knowing that Lauri will be walking through the door and we can chat about the day. When I was a young mom, I used to crave some "alone" time....and now that I'm alone I crave any "family time" that I can have. Traci and Lauri headed north last night with Scotty and Ba'y Jake and the house is quiet again but I will put things back together, putter a little bit and look forward to the time I can see them again....but I will enjoy this "alone" time to contemplate how very blessed I am to have my family and to know that....or at least hope....they enjoy coming home.


Spencer said...

Strong work in the county fair. It's too bad there's not an entry for the best blogs - the blue ribbon would be yours by a country mile.

joycew said...

Don't you just love the county fair! I was so proud of your blue-ribbon knitting. Thanks for bringing the kids for a visit to the farm.

Karen M. said...

It's even more fun to have you as part of our Hurricane Dental Family too, we all enjoy the times we have to be together. Annie was so great! Glad you could come! See ya again soon!

Camie said...

I am pretty sure they have to look forward to coming home...if as a neighbor kid I looked forward to going over to your hosue I am sure your kids look forward to coming to visit.