Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Soup's on....

.......and there's excitement in the air. It's my favorite time of year for sure and nothin' but good memories permeate this household as I make my first batches of tomatoe soup and remember the anticipation of getting the kids back where they belong....in school, back to some structure. So, as the soup simmers, I'm enjoying reminiscing the good ol' days and found some of my favorite pictures to share and hope you all have your school shopping done (nothin' like brand new white paper, just the right pencils and pens and shiny new crayons. I think I'll go get me some tomorrow). It was good raising my kids where they could walk to school with friends, play in the gutter along the way to and from school and enjoy the sense of neighborhood. Now, I seldom see any kids in the neighborhood but the feeling is here just the same and I may take a walk up to the top of the circle on the morning of August 13.....just to remember the good times.


Karen M. said...

Teh pics are precious, but the memories are priceless. I remember when my children went off to school only they were transported by German bus to school about 45 minutes away...they were too small to go so far without their mommy! Those were some tear filled days for sure. Thanks for taking me down memory lane, I can always count on you to do that.

Lauri Wells said...

his name is mr. petty.

Spencer said...

was he?

xomom said...

Oh the memories! Like you, the first day of school was great for me as a kid, and even better to celebrate it with the kids. Wish I could be there with you on the 13th to see the new clothes, and backpacks (now that's something new from our day). I have been fingering the notebooks and pencils in the stores, but so far have stopped myself. (I still have a draw full of stuff from last year this time.)

xomom said...

PS Your soup looks divine!

Diana said...

I love your tomato soup and make your recipe every year... but I don't make as much as you! Love those school daze, mine and the kids. There is just a feeling in the air of hope and promise. It was fun sending them off to school, but sad too. Loved our lunch at the Sego Lily - always great to be together with friends.