Tuesday, September 22, 2009

One of my favorite things to do....

......is to connect with friends from the past, people that were once a huge part of my life.....and that's what I get to do tomorrow.
My friend Gayle, from our Pullman, Washington days invited me to come to Seattle for a brief visit and I accepted. We lived in a duplex in Pullman while Scott was attending vet school and the Grothkopp's lived next door. For three years, we were neighbors, raised our kids together, exchanged recipes, gardened together, laughed and cried together then went our separate ways. We met up once with them in 1984 and took the kids to Disneyland then once again, Scott and I had some continuing education in Seattle and met up with them again in 1988. I've seen Gayle a couple of times since then but it's been a very long time and I'm excited to go and get caught up. So Bon Voyage to me for a couple of days. Seattle, Washington, here I come......


Lauri Wells said...

nice blouse.

joycew said...

Not only "nice blouse" but how svelte you looked! Aw,youth!

joycew said...

Not that there's anything wrong with how you look now...you're fabulous!

Diana said...

Great blouse, great bod, great hair, great glasses... you smoke girl! Hope you have fun.