Thursday, November 5, 2009

Oh, oh.....who are the people in your neighborhood.....

(sing along with me, you know the old Sesame Street Song)....."in your neighborhood, in your neighborhood, oh....who are the people in your neighborhood.....the people that you meet each day......"

"He's my neighbor and he mows my laaawn......Carol Ann my friend she is his maaawm....
Tri...a...tha...lons...have been his Sara said she'd be his wife." (are you still singing?....)
CONGRATULATIONS Jeff and Sara....they're getting married on Saturday.......(in the picture above, Jeff's in the middle and these 3 started the "Buff Club" back in the day. Jeff's the only one that's stayed true to the motto......

Meet some more of my awesome neighbors.....

"We've lived here many, many years....we've shared a lot of joy and tears....
While other people move away, we've all decided here to stay....."
(Carol Ann is in town for the wedding. She and Larry are Mission Presidents in Billings, Montana but she got to come home for a few we had brunch and got caught up...and today was Mary's birthday.

And yet some more neighbors.....(I can't hear you....keep on singing with me....)
"My Home Teachers monthly come to call.....Summer, Winter, Spring and in the Fall....
For 16 years they've helped me through...they do just what I ask them to...."
I just want to pay tribute to a model home teacher, Tony Wittwer who has come faithfully for over 16 years. He even called me regularly while on my mission. Each of his 3 sons have joined him through the years. I'm surrounded by amazing people.....and my gratitude goes out to the people in my neighborhood for making it such a great place to raise my family. (Big finish here)......"Oh....these are some people in my neighborhood, in my neighborhood, in my neighborhood.....yes, these are the people in my neighborhood.....the people that I meet each day." (Cheeze overdose....sorry..... but thanks for singing along).


Karen M. said...

We share a common bond, Tony Wittwer is my brother in law. Funny how our paths intersect, I love it! Their youngest, Sammy is putting in his mission papers, where does the time go?! Miss you!

Spencer said...

Now hold on just one minute. I'm no iron man, but I'm no couch potato either. Anyway, nice post. It's good to see Tony is still watching out for us.

Staheli said...

YES, THANK YOU MOM!!! I knew you still had that creativity in you. I LOVED this post and I sang the whole thing!

Lauri Wells said...

I sang the whole time i read that. Awesome!