Monday, November 23, 2009

Over the river and through the woods.... grandmother's house we go......I have to let this song run through my mind a bit before I can really start humming "Jingle Bell Rock" and as I am wrapping my brain around the thoughts of dinner for 17 (at my house) I'm remembering "Thanksgivings Past" when Scott would volunteer our house for the Wells Clan to congregate. I never did mind, he did most of the work....
.......but now it's my turn (hosting my family) and believe me, I think I'd rather be going " grandmother's house" but she had a flood....and her house isn't quite back together yet so, though it won't be the same, it's here and hopefully we can do it up right for her.
......a Thanksgiving memory: congregating downstairs for the Wells Family Talent show, always very interesting. I do miss those times. I remember having the Wells Thanksgiving in Grandma Wells' back yard. We even had it in our backyard one year (ya gotta love Southern Utah weather) and invited several of Scott's college kids over. Lots of fun memories and the one I remember most was that Scott would take the kids with him to rake someone's leaves, a widow in the ward or a yard at Grandview.....something to keep the kids busy before dinner. Then at my mom's, the kids would rake the leaves and play in them. Sad to say, that tree is gone now....seems its roots were the cause of her flood and had to go this past week. Change is never easy but inevitable and as we remember those family traditions, there are a few things that don't change. Hopefully our gratitude and love for our family will endure the test of time....and as you count your blessings this coming Thursday, you may want to listen to this little ditty by Johnny HERE to enjoy..... and to my family and friends that may read this...."I am thankful for you."


Spencer said...

We'll miss you in KY. It's your first Thanksgiving in Utah in 7 years.

Staheli said...

I always miss being with MY family during the holidays. I loved the pictures, it looks like everything that everyone was wearing has come back in style, what a pitty. Love you Mom, Thanks for the updates!

Carole said...

Jillyn, the whole world should be thankful for you because you are so up beat all the time and the picture of the Wells clan, I see Scott and he is just like I remember him, as that is how I see him in my memories of him..nice picture.. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...