Friday, June 24, 2011

Home again, home again....

....jiggity jig. He pulled in yesterday after 2 days on the road and 9 long years of school. Whew....who thought this day would ever come. They left behind a tornado that destroyed buildings at churchill downs, lots of friends crying and a bunch of great memories and life-changing experiences. Louisville is a better place because they were there.

*********************** ....and today, this little cute lady turns 12 and nobody's gonna rain on her parade. Laynee Jane is about the sweetest young lady ever and it's been hard for her, especially, to leave her friends behind but she'll keep those friends, via Facebook and texting and add new ones to her list of contacts. Happy Birthday, Laynee. So glad you are here.

Summer is officially here!!!!!

Most of us have had our first Snow Shack shave ice.....anywhere from Tigers Blood to Spiderman.

Such simple pleasures......ya gotta love it...and I do.
Three years ago yesterday, Mason started work at Hurricane Dental moving his family here from Louisville. His awesome staff remembered his anniversary yesterday with a celebration and this cute candy gram.

Life is good......(most of the time).


Lauri said...

Wow! That's Huge! I can't believe the Spence Wells Clan is finally back for real. That is probably going to be wierd waking up in St. George everyday when you've all been so used to Kentucky. I am glad you are back. Happy Birthday Laynee. You are Wonderful!

Penny said...

It's been 3 years already? Wow! Times flies. We all have appointments tomorrow. He's the best dentist I know.