Friday, June 10, 2011

Tastes of Provo....

.....can pretty much describe what I've been doing the last 24 hours and it's been pretty fun, I must say, starting out by sampling Lauri's newly decorated cake from her class. Click HERE to get it in her own words on her new cooking blog but it was beautiful and tasted every bit as good as it looked and she took me by the bakery that hosts the class....and could I resist the "goodness" inside?....oh, no and I only bought the small donut to show, in perspective, the size of the big one. Never have I seen such a thing....but the best in the box was the bran muffin...glazed with honey. My new favorite bakery.....BUT,... for 5 dollas....we got one "complatos" (the word comes from Kid History, click HERE) but it was a pretty big "complatos" (not sure if that really is hot dog in Spanish, oh well) JDawg's by the BYU campus. Have been hearing about them for years but today was the day....and a mighty fine complatos it was.
It was all capped off with a lot of nibbling on Lucy....what a doll. She loved seeing herself not one, not two but three times in the 3-way mirror.

....and speaking of food, Emily came over Tuesday night and we were watching "No Reservations"....and when they made pizza and ate it on a blanket on the floor, we did too.

It reminded me of the good ol' days when the girls were little and we'd have movie "theme" parties; actually, I think the only one we had was "Harriet the Spy"....anyway, this was a good idea...mostly because it allowed me to watch a movie that I wanted to watch (but I think Emily liked it too.) Let's do it again really soon, Emily....maybe next time we can watch"Ratatouille"!


Lauri said...

We had a delightful time. Thanks for coming mom.

Camie said...

I just experienced Jdawgs for the first time too...I am thinking I might be a regular now.

And oh how I can vividly remember our Harriet the spy great! I need to do that with my girls.