Saturday, March 17, 2012

On this day...

....forty years ago, I donned my 3rd white dress and became Mrs. Scott G. Wells. One of the happiest days of my life for sure. I felt like a princess in my beautiful white dress (that I purchased at Maude's in Hyrum, Utah for 60 bucks). The reception was paid for by my Grandpa Sullivan...set him back about $250. My colors were yellow and green and it was a lovely evening....what I remember of it.
Here I am ten years later, after 4 babies, and still able to get into my beautiful white dress....each year thereafter, I would try but it got harder and harder.
Some years, I'd just look at it and know it wasn't going to fit....this year, after losing a few pounds, I had high hopes. At least got the arms in....but no zippy uppy this year. It was fun to try and I was closer than last year for sure.
Scott gave me a good, full life as we raised our 5 children but he left me way too soon and the last ten years I've gotten really good at being alone. Do I like it, no...but I've gotten good at it. Stay tuned to see what the next ten years will bring.....hopefully, I'll always be able to at least get my arms in my white dress. Here's to staying healthy and happy for another ten. Speaking of happy, it was awesome to go to the Sunshine Tournament again after many, many years. Brought back some good memories. Scott and I spent many an anniversary helping put on this tournament as members of the Booster Club at Dixie High School
It was a good day at the fields as Dixie dominated most of the game but got behind and in the bottom of the 7th, with a two point deficit, was able to get a clutch hit and win the game.
Those were the good ol' days of baseball when the boys made the news. Good times and one of the remaining traditions that we can go and enjoy for years to come. May our lives all be filled with more wins than losses. Happy St. Patrick's day one and all. Enjoy the air show. It's great to live in Dixie.

1 comment:

Anita Wells said...

what a great tradition! i can't fit in my dress either...