Monday, July 1, 2013

Oh, what do you do in the summertime.....

..when it's hotter than "h" "e" double toothpicks outside.....well, I sit in a pool to keep myself cool while Randy paints on a ladder so high.....
Is that what you do?....probably not, but I do and if there's an empty pool, the owners haven't moved in yet, well, I'm in. Randy did join me so he got to cool off too but this heat is somethin' else. Don't know how my pioneer ancestors did it but because of them, I try to not complain. Anyhoo....what else do I do in the summertime...
I like to watch the birds come to my feeder and I wait for them to pose for my camera.....
...and we go for rides in the country. Sometimes we try a little geocaching along the way. We found another cemetery one yesterday out by Ione. The cemetery is way in the background. Randy climbed the fence to go check it out.....(I opted out of the fence climbing but I found the cache.)
We also found some corn at a farm by the y'all know what I'll be doing today. 
Sometimes I knit....I've designated this month UFO (Un-Finished Objects) month. I've actually completed a pair of socks and a little dress so far.....
...working on several other items. I'm a really good "starter" but not so on the "finishing" so this is good for me to clean out the baskets full of UFOs....then I can go yarn shopping again, whoo hoo. I like to carve out a little reading time as well.....working on this....because I read this
Jeannette Walls wrote "The Glass Castle" and I loved it so much that I've been waiting for her to write more so when her new novel came out "The Silver Star", I immediately ordered it and started reading it but in an interview, she was asked what was her favorite book of all time and she said "The End of the Affair" I immediately got it and started reading. I wanted to know why it would be considered her favorite book of all time. I had a hard time reading it so I rented the old movie made about the book with Van Johnson and Deborah Kerr (click HERE). I really liked it and can see why it is a favorite...but, still not a favorite of mine. Mine is still "Some Wildflower in my Heart" by Jamie Langston Turner (click HERE). So, what's your favorite book of all time? I'd really like to know so think about it and if you feel to answer me, I would really appreciate it. I'm not an "avid" reader. I do like to read but the book has to pull me in immediately and if it doesn't, then I put it down. I prefer to have books recommended to me and I'll give anything a try...but I do like to always have one that I can't wait to get back let me know what you've been reading lately. My Jody Picoult novels that my sister got me onto have really been good to listen to as I've driven back home a couple of times......"Nineteen Minutes", "House Rules", "Vanishing Act" and "The Storyteller" (click HERE).
**************************************, if you swim in a pool to keep yourself cool, or read a book or knit a sock....well, so do I.

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