Thursday, October 17, 2013

Too much time on your hands????

....and speaking of could make one of these. I saw this at the Folsom Prison Museum the other day when Joyce and I visited.....
We used to make gum wrapper chains but the inmates can't have gum so this was made from potato chip bag wrappers. I loved making gum wrapper chains as a kid.....
Totally a lost art. I got some Double Mint Gum the other day thinking I would sharpen my skills but they don't even wrap the gum in the green wrappers now....only in the tin foil. I was disappointed to say the least but if you have a few spare toothpicks and a little time, maybe you could make one of these beauties......
To be exact, 250,000 toothpicks and ten months, this could be yours. This kept prisoner Billy Burk sane (?) until his release in April of 1934. Hey, whatever it takes......we do what we have to do for sanity. Everyone needs a hobby....great stress reliever. I've had several through the years (another blog, another time) but for now I think I'll go knit.....

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