Tuesday, October 15, 2013

You bought another purse????

"Yes, Randy. I got a coupon for my birthday from Vera Bradley and how could I pass up the 60% off if ordered by mail....?" I know it's hard to understand my "purse" - onality when it comes to my hand bags but I just like them a lot, always have, always will, until my dying day....speaking of which, Lauri and I were laughing about her plans for decorating at my funeral.
Here, Lauri, I found this. It may help....so keep it in mind. Won't some beautiful funeral flowers look great in it? She was thinking of lining up my black purses and I personally think they should be filled with flowers, plants and maybe helium balloons. (Behind that display of purses she's planning to hang all of my "one-sock wonders". I'll blog about them another time). I've been on the quest for the perfect purse all of my adult life. The first purse I remember was a small, black patent leather clutch type wallet that I took to the movies one night. My dad gave me some ones and I had a brand new pack of Doublemint Gum and a handkerchief. I thought I was pretty cool. I remember saving my pop bottles and finally getting enough to go to the Market Basket and trade them in for the cutest little beaded wallet that I'd had my eye on for several weeks. I've since graduated to Vera Bradley, which has come close to fulfilling my quest but I've come to the conclusion there is no "perfect purse" as different occasions call for different purses, but these come pretty darn close.
They are cloth, so very light weight, lots of pockets and a place for a cell phone. I do love just one handle and seldom ever buy a purse with two, (but sometimes I do) but the wallet....let's just say it must be perfect 'cause I've had it for over 5 years now.
It holds everything I need and fits into all of my bags. And here's my cute little post-it note holder that I love and speaking of black purses..... I do wish I had all the money that I've spent on them in my life. (BTW....please don't give my Vera Bradley's to DI. Sell them on Ebay or something. They are worth at least 20 bucks a piece.)
Moving on....to some other favorites, we do love our "Pomegranate Gold". Spencer and fam have discovered it's fun to give away. They got some poms from their neighbor and have all pitched in to squeeze, prepare and share this beautiful stuff.
It's gotten hard to find a source for the sour variety (which I prefer for jam). There are a lot of crops that go to waste each year so if you have any to spare, give me a jingle. We'll come pick....and even make you some jelly. I did enjoy having my sister here this past week. We frequented many antique stores and here is something I saw that caught my eye....didn't buy it, it just caught my eye.
Just thought I'd pass it along to you Chess players out there. Thought it was a cute idea. Guess I could post it to Pinterest but it's probably already there. More "Aw...ctober" stuff to come. Hope you are enjoying the beautiful Fall weather....I certainly am.

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