Saturday, November 2, 2013

It was a good one....

.....downsized a bit and simplified but loved every minute of it. I love my birthday party each and every year. It started when I needed to feed my kids before they went out for candy and has been going strong ever since.
Lauri, as always, did a fine job of catering the event. I pulled out my Halloween "ugly sweater" for the celebration; that's about as "costumy" as I get but there were some really good ones this year...
Drew was an awesome Napoleon Dynamite, George was Smarty Pants. There was the cutest little watermelon, garden gnome, minion, crocodile, zombie and others....but the hit of the show had to be, of course Evan and his woman....
His little friend Hayden Wittwer dressed up as Mrs. Evan and when he gave his mom grief about wearing high heels, his mom said..."Evan shaved his head, you will wear the shoes." I think that's how the story went. They made a visit to Spencer's office (like a lot of elderly people in town) and all the workers thought it was so cute that the little boy and girl dressed up together but Hayden threw off his wig and let them know he was a boy. I wasn't there, but that's how I heard it so if it's wrong, correct me. Needless to say, Evan was not too happy yesterday when the rest of the hair came off but it will grow back (and hopefully he has the $22 his dad bribed him to shave it. I think I was supposed to throw in a ten).This truly will be a Halloween to remember for the rest of his life. Speaking of grand kids.....
...several of the older ones participated in the Midnight 5K that Kyle was in charge of in conjunction with Dixie State University Homecoming. It was fun to watch them participate and cross the finish line. Laynee won in the female division....others won prizes in their divisions as well. This is such a fun family event....hope it's a yearly tradition. The music gets ya goin' so ya forget the late hour that it is. After a week of fun, family and friends....
I'm back in Folsom with my best friend....doing what we love to do, chillin' on the lake for a few hours. We celebrate Randy's birthday tomorrow.
I'm just grateful that we found each other in this twilight of our lives....neither of us feels as old as we are, (most of the time). He's a very good man; wonderful husband to me and father to his kids, a friend to all and definitely Mr. Positive Attitude. Like I've said before...."I'm not sayin' he's perfect but he's perfect for me and we are good together." Happy Birthday, Randy.

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