Friday, November 14, 2008

Nothing like a good whiff of something.....

… spark a memory, hopefully a good one. Yesterday, Kyle came in hot a sweaty, rushing from one meeting and needing to be to another one without having time to go home and freshen up. He asked me if I still had Dad’s cologne, "Elsha", anywhere. It was right where he left it over 7 years ago and hasn’t been touched since. He splashed some on and came out breathing in the scent of memories of days past….."That’s the smell of a babysitter.” I was a bit puzzled at first but then he explained that the only time he smelled it on his dad was when we were going out on a date and got a babysitter. The babysitter would arrive and we would leave, exiting with the scent of “Elsha” in the air. My dad’s signature cologne was “Old Spice” and my mom’s was “Evening in Paris”. I remember seeing that dark blue bottle in the medicine cupboard and always being fascinated with “grown up” perfume. I think I even sneaked a whiff once in a while. Then Avon came along and “Topaz” seemed to be my mom’s scent of choice along with others she would try. I remember trying things like “Chantilly” and others but they all seemed “cheap smelling” compared to my favorite, “Eternity”. I don’t know when I started thinking I was rich enough to have a “signature” cologne but I did and I still wear it to this day. I used to use any money I was given as a gift to purchase it. I don’t wear it much any more but I still love it, mostly because of the memories I have when I smell it. I’ve thought a lot about smells lately as I’ve enjoyed the coming of Fall and the scent of cool, fresh air with a whiff of ….can’t call it anything but Fall. I’m not sure what it is, maybe the changing of the leaves causes it….maybe someone has a fire in their fireplace somewhere. I’m not quite sure but it always brings with it memories of family gatherings, football games and the coming of the holidays. Speaking of holidays, I think that’s the main reason I still get a real Christmas tree. I just love the smell. I’ve stocked up on my “Evergreen” and “Christmas Tree” Salt City Candles and can’t wait to get them lit, anything to capture that fresh-cut Christmas Tree smell, always trying to capture something other than the 28-year old house smell. I use Pine Sol when I clean. Even if I don’t clean, if I put a bit of it in the sink with a little water, it smells like I’ve cleaned. Everyone’s house has a smell. The kids used to say if they were blind folded and taken to someone’s house in the neighborhood, they would be able to tell whose house it is. I think I’ll go do some real cleaning….then light a candle. Mmmmmm, Pine Sol and Pumpkin Spice; doesn’t get much better.


Camie said...

Its funny that a smell can wrestle up such strong memories. I can still smell what yours, the Gardners and the Wittwers house all smell like.

How do houses get a smell? I wonder what mine smells like...hhmm!!

Anonymous said...

i love the smell of fall. and i love the smell of our house. But more then anything, i love the smell of my old pink blanket. oh shoot I miss my blanket...

Staheli said...

It's taken only six months to acquire a smell in my new home here in West Bountiful. You know that your home has a "smell" when you stop smelling it. I can no longer smell my home, therefore I have a "smell".

Staheli said...

Can anyone tell me the point of the "word verification" cause right now it is an easy one, I can clearly see that they want me to type "downbon" but that last one was a doosy. I didn't know if it was an "o" or a "u" or a fancy "v", I almost didn't get my comment in.

Staheli said...

I bet it's some secret government code that was ridiculously long and had to be typed twice to start some miracle money making machine that will bring us out of economic crisis and since they couldn't get it typed out in time they are having us do it for them one word verification at a time. I will feel really stupid when there is a really simple explanation for it. Just blame it on the fact that I am up WAY past my bedtime....10:30pm.

Staheli said...

sorry mom, that was all totally off the subject. All I wanted to say was that I don't remember the Elisha so much as I do the green after shave he always used. When I come home I always sneak a few sniffs of that because you still have that in the same cupboard as well.

Camie said...

Lauri-that blanket was disgusting. SOrry was that a little harsh! How did you ever part with it, I am still having a hard time parting with my baby blanket.

Mindi said...

i still love eternity, too. russ not so much, though. a sister missionary that totally FREAKED OUT and had some issues that he had to deal with on his mission used to wear it. when he came off the plane i was wearing it and he about died!

Anonymous said...

Traci... leave a comment and then move on. camie... my blanket is not as disgusting as yours. ;)

Anonymous said...

I rarely get to hear that song but everytime I do I think of Scott and what an amazing person he was and how he got so mad at me and JoEllen for talking him into watching Simon Birch with us up at the cabin. Scott helped Joel and I out so many times with words of wisdom and preisthood blessings. He is deeply missed. I will be forever grateful that JoEllen and Kyle got together so we could be part of this family. Thanks,Penny

joycew said...

Jay still wears "Elsha" on our date nights! I love that smell! right now, I'm fighting the smell of my house with Scentsy candles everywhere. Smell does evoke some very strong emotions and memories!