Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Today's just one of those days.....

.....that 15 years ago I would have given a heave ho and tossed a few laundry buckets down the stairs. Laundry has never been one of my strong points in housekeeping (actually, I'm pretty much "domestically challenged" - 'clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy') but in trying to come to grips with my disdain of laundry, one day I purchased a laundry bucket for each member of my family, put each one's name on it (some of them got personalized over the years. Not sure who was into Garbage Pail Kids at the time) and as I would launder, I would load the buckets fully expecting each obedient child to empty his/her bucket into his/her bedroom downstairs. I took great pride in filling up the buckets and most of the time I didn't really care if the clean clothes stayed in the buckets but once in a while, on a day like today, I JUST WANTED THE LAUNDRY DONE AND PUT AWAY. My rage would get the best of me and I would chuck them, one by one down the stairs (it felt so good) and the children would just stare at me....I'm not sure what they were really thinking but at least the laundry room would get cleared out, for a time anyway. My laundry room is pretty small. Actually, it isn't really a room, it's more like a closet but I think each of my kids thought it was their personal changing room, and, like I said, most days it didn't bother me, but on days like today, I just wanted it clean. So I got up this morning with the feeling that I wanted it cleared out, but that feeling soon went away and I've gone on to more important things like downloading my Christmas songs onto my Ipod. Now that's important stuff (and cleaning out my den closet and finding some wonderful pictures to post, like this one.) Anybody got any dialog for this? Mason, if you're having a hard time putting down some memories of Dad, maybe you could start with this one. The rest of you better watch out. I'm finding some pretty interesting stuff in my quest to clean.


joycew said...

Funny thing, but I like doing laundry (mostly because I can read while its swishing and still feel like I'm getting something accomplished.) Other than that I, too, am "domestically challenged".

joycew said...

Sorry for the spelling error. (It should be "it's")

Jillyn said...

Thanks, Joyce. Domestically challenged is a better word....mind if I use it? Where did we come from, anyway?

Camie said...

Oh my gosh, I totally remember that orange bucket very vividly. Incfact I can remember how disturbed I was to see some of those stickers. That is too funny!

Spencer said...

I think all the buckets had a few garbage pail stickers on them - but that one happens to be mine, and I know it hit the bottom of the stairs on more than occasion. Too bad I wasn't a better "Spencer Dispenser" at dispensing my clean laundry - sorry for the stupid joke, but was one of the garbage pail kids

Jillyn said...

Hi! So I was blog hoping and saw the name Jillyn!! I have NEVER met or seen anyone with my same name! Crazy! So it is nice to meet you! I guess we are two of a kind!

Staheli said...

nice one mom. I actually use Kyle's brown bucket as Scott's laundry bucket now. I'm not exactly sure how I got it in the first place but I found it and started using it and the tradition shall carry on cause I too have been known to throw his clothes down the stairs on occasion. Not because I'm mad that he hasn't put them away, he is only two, but to get them out of the way for me to put away later. I remember those stickers as well and they kinda grossed me out too.

Staheli said...

Spikey Mikey, was the one that freaked me out the most.

Spencer said...

At least it wasn't our usual "whitey-tighties"