Monday, March 16, 2009

Just remembering.....

...the beginning of our family 38 years ago today.

Announcements: $50 (no discount for spelling error)
Wedding dress: 60 bucks
Catered reception: 200 bucks (paid by my grandpa)
included flowers, cake, backdrops and refreshments
Photographer: 60 smackeroos (highway robbery for sure)
Honeymoon: I'm sure it was pretty cheap. A motel room back then was probably 15 dollars (or less) and we spent 2 nights away. What couple would settle for a night at Zion and one in Richfield for a honeymoon? I guess cruises are pretty cheap these days, though.

Cheap wedding but a life full of "richness" (in blessings). I was blessed to be married to a mighty fine man and I got to have him for 29 blissful years. He'd probably call it 28 great years (minus a year for PMS days). Kiss your spouse today.....if he/she is still with you, count yourself "lucky" on this St. Patrick's Day.


Karen M. said...

What a blessing memories are. I didn't know Scott but Mason talks about him sometimes. He has found memories of his dad and loves him dearly. He talks of fishing trips and being with his dad. He must have been really something as Mason is a good man. He is a great doctor too! I feel it a blessing to work for him. Thanks for sharing Mandi and Mason and the kids with us in Hurricane.

Melia said...

Thanks Jillyn for sharing your day with us. Hope you have a great one.

Staheli said...

That made me cry. I wish so badly that dad could be here to give you a kiss on your anniversary. I miss him and I do count myself lucky not only to have a great man, but to have been raised by a great pair. Thanks for this mom, I love you and hope that you are having a peaceful day!