Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Evan.....

July has come and gone and tomorrow Evan will be 3 and he's become little "Mr. Independent". Growing up with a big brother and a big sister, he wants to fit in and do what they do whether it be bust a move with George or put on dress-ups for Emily's play....he's willing to try and so excited to go to Pirate Island for his birthday. He loves to dress himself, brush his teeth by himself (even to the point of kicking me out of the room) and not only thinks he's a "big boy", he truly is and brings a smile to my face whenever I'm in his presence. He's always got some pretty amazing stories to tell. A great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to Evan Kyle Wells tomorrow.

1 comment:

Laynee said...

happy b-day evan!!!!!!!!!! :D