Monday, November 30, 2009

Ya gotta start somewhere....

......and so we did. Our Scott Wells family traditions started on a nippy December day (the 1st or 2nd, still up for debate, no documentation available) in Logan, Utah where a couple of newly-weds cooked a little bacon in their stuffy, downstairs apartment and it stunk (or stinked) up the place so they headed outside into the sunny, crisp Logan air to eat their BLT's and the conversation started with...."we really do need to start some family traditions"....."well, it's Dec. 1 (or 2nd) and we're eating Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomatoe let's just do that every Dec. 1 (or 2nd) and call it a tradition", I'm calling it a tradition and I'm going to eat one tomorrow. Join in if you'd like....they really are yummy and can be made with a lot of different variations...but I like mine on white toast with real mayo if I have it....Miracle Whip is an o.k. substitution but to me, it takes away from the pure flavor of the ingredients. Enjoy!!!!
You know Christmas is here when they flip the switch at the Temple and I was there last Friday to see it happen and listen to the beautiful music and listen to Elder Wilkinson tell the story that Elder Holland tells about when his father passed away on Christmas Day.
I was touched by his remarks and was glad I was alone as I bawled my eyes out when he told of being in the hospital all alone with his father on Christmas Eve. I remembered a lonely Christmas Eve at LDS Hospital a few years back and, what can I say.....I was humbled. Christmastime brings a lot of tender emotions for our family.....and ironic that Dec. 23 is the day Scott arrived home after a Bone Marrow Transplant and Dec. 24 the date he entered for a Liver Transplant....thankfully....many years apart. I'm ready for the Christmas Season and hope we can all keep in our minds, our hearts and our lives.....the reason for the season. "Love so easily understands, what you can see is the smallest part; you don't need Christmas in your hands, when you have Christmas in your heart".


Camie said...

What a special night. It is special time of year for so many reasons. Your picture is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Our BLT day was a success up here! We fed James' roomates and a couple of my friends. It made for a lovely night and a wonderful tradition.