Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nothin' like 62 young adults in your house....

.....to make you really appreciate your peace and quiet after they leave (and to feel like you have a very small house).....but I was glad to host the annual Dixie College 4th Ward Gingerbread House-making Contest and it was a success.

I think it was record attendance for FHE. The basement served us well once again and a good time was had by all. Clickity click HERE to read my "Ode to My Basement" from last year's post.
I had a bunch of them at the dining room table, some at the bar and it was like we were trying to see how many kids we could stuff into this 29 year-old house of mine (and they even took their shoes off. I didn't even have to ask). We've had many gatherings over the years from missionary farewell and homecoming dinners, Spencer's wedding luncheon, Hannah and Horace's wedding reception, birthday parties: "this ol' house" has served us well and I'm grateful for it....especially on these cold winter days when I can sit by my fire and look out the window and count my blessings. I hope you are staying warm......(this will be the last of my "Nothin' like....posts. I just thought I had a good theme going here but enough is enough.) Happy Holidays.....


Staheli said...

ha ha ha ha ha, I love it. Dad would have been proud. Way to be flexible mom.

Lauri Wells said...

Looks like you are staying plenty busy this winter season. Guess we'll go dress shopping a little later.

Camie said...

I heard it was a hit. Anna couldn't believe how many people fit in your house...you are a good sport. That basement has definitely served you well.

Penny said...

WOW! Good Job. I had about 20 teens over here for Shayne's birthday and it was about 19 too many. You're good!