Thursday, December 31, 2009

Oh, we saw Donny and Marie all right.....

......on the side of this building......they cancelled and we found out as we were driving into Vegas, for cryin' out loud!!!!! but.......

.....when life gives you lemons.....just make lemonade and that's what we did.

......and it was pretty sweet! One of the most amazing shows I've ever been to. We did re-schedule for Donny and Marie and I'm sure they had a really good excuse so we'll try them again in February but there's plenty goin' on in Vegas, that's fer sure......

Pretty dang awesome.........
....all this after a little sight-seeing and dining with Emeril Lagasse at Delmonico's. The food was delicious to say the least......and in the words of Frankie Valli....."Oh, what a night......"


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that Mom. I hope you aren't too disappointed. Donnie is no longer on my "most admired" list.

Staheli said...

Way to make the most of some disappointing news. Now you get two dates in Vegas with your sister...AWESOME!

joycew said...

"Oh, what a night!..." is right! Another memorable occasion with my sis. A big, old THANK YOU to my adorable nieces and nephews (and spouses)from your favorite(?)aunt. Though we were disappointed at first it worked out extremely great.